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AWAKENING THE GIANT WITHIN - New Book And Ebook (links below)

All your spare energy needs to go into saving the children from this dark cult. Your gift of Creativity is our most powerful defence against all evil plans to annihilate humanity and LOVE’s children.

Dear Reader,

Today, whilst standing at “The Outer Waves of Infinite Possibilities,” my heart guided me that the best way that I could serve all precious life was to start collating the many messages of hope and wisdom that I have been asked to share on LOVE’s Heart Plan, and Searching For The Evidence channel on and to create a book, whereby the newly awakened can easily source and reference information.

I have been given very little time to do this. I am often guided that perfection is not important owing to the urgency of the hour to get information to others and to help them to strengthen their heart connection. This appears especially true today and I ask you to forgive any errors and to focus on absorbing the codes that will enable the giant within you to awaken.

I will be blunt. The children are in danger. All life is in danger.

You are all being called to assist because you all came here to help and because you carry the codes of Knowledge to protect and defend all life.

There are many awakening giants who do not realise why they are here, or how to connect safely, or how to proceed when dealing with the enormity of the danger that humanity are now facing. Many see it as futile. I do not believe that for one instance.

I re-published my previous five books from 2014/15/16 in 2020 as one title, “What On Earth Is Happening?”, and unfortunately, because the energy contained within the books was not being utilised by a large enough group, the energy procured from the Heart of Creation was recalled and I was guided to withdraw the information.

I have witnessed this throughout the publications of my books.

I feel saddened by this. So much help is available to us.

We do not use it.

Many misuse energy, and many are being badly taught by those who are driven by self-serving agendas.

I explored Holistic Energy healing practices and trained in many, before I grew and learned that they were flawed.

Once a human is attuned to energy from outside of self, they are already lost in the programs of False Light.

The Healing Community came here to help humanity, yet, most are lost in False Light teachings, and most refuse to stop practices that are obsolete and incompatible with the planetary changes and other significant changes in the Greater Cosmos.

This has placed the children in terrible danger, and all innocent life has been harmed by humanity in various ways, however, I have to be honest: my greatest disappointment has been to witness the stubborn refusal of the Healing Community to stop the very activities which have now destroyed the protection from the Galactic Grids, the Planetary Grids, and worse still, destroyed humanity’s shared Cosmic Shield of protection which offered a level of protection that prevented technologically advanced dark forces from ‘piercing’ our twelve levels of consciousness trapped inside the False Light programs.

Those twelve levels of protection have since collapsed into themselves due to the unwillingness of others to stop and change direction.

We are now facing a worse scenario than the pandemic crisis of 2020.

All protection of the planet, humanity’s shared shield of protection, and the individual shield of protection of each human has been destroyed by these activities and the stubborn refusal to go deeper, and stop harming.

Reiki and Yoga groups, 5G technology, and FreeMasonry are the leading culprits. The very groups of souls who could be helping are the ones being used to destroy our protection and expose us all to satanic frequencies.

We are all being called to go deeper, and to stand firm together because the world’s children are facing a life time of slavery if we allow any more harm to be caused by our poor practices, our poor choices and the selfish decisions to ignore the outcome of those poor choices.

I have tried to wake others up to the dangers. Many others are trying too.

The best way to help protect the children and all life is to ask for help and to ask our hearts to show us the way.

The gateway to our hearts is now under attack — the last bastion to safety and our gateway to Truth.

Many souls are coming into this reality to help us, and many are ending up being sacrificed and trafficked, abused and tortured. They carry the codes that many humans have already given to the dark, you see.

The dark want those codes of Knowledge to feed off and to weaponise against us.

What do you think 5G truly is? Ask your heart, and you will see.

The children are the target of this dark group, and the children are totally exposed, thanks to those who chose to ignore LOVE’s guidance.

As LOVE has already shared in one of my messages, “If a dead infant and suffering newborn will not change your mind, what will?”

I cannot bare to witness anymore suffering — suffering that is easily preventable by every human who each carry codes of Knowledge to end the game.

Many of my transcripts were made into audio recordings which I have also shared online. The audio versions offer the reader a greater opportunity to relax and listen through their own heart centres whilst resting at home in a quiet environment.

The audio versions help to still the busy mind and they provide a set of easy to follow steps to ensure the heart is engaged and the protection of LOVE/Creator and LOVE’s Purest Light frequencies are surrounding the listener. The Laws of Creation must be utilised and questioned also, to ensure that all our actions and intentions are pure and safe, and provide the optimal outcome that best serves all life.

I have had just a few days to collate the work. The fact that I have not been given time to fully edit and proof-read the work, means that something is brewing.

A dark plan is in motion.

You are all being called upon as a matter of urgency to use “The Outer Waves Of Infinite Possibilities” audio version, because your gift of Creativity is our most powerful defence against all evil plans to annihilate humanity and LOVE’s children.

Protect the children, focus on listening to your own heart’s guidance — utilising LOVE and the Laws of Creation to protect your connection to Truth.

You do have the authority and the power within your hearts to call on LOVE/Creator for help for the voiceless, including the homeless, elderly, vulnerable, newborns and infants, pregnant mothers carrying new souls into this place and all life throughout existence that has been hit badly by the shock waves of the culmination of all our errors.

Let your compassion and love for others be your guiding light and driving force, and be fearless against this dark cult.

They have no power over you when you call on LOVE/Creator for help.

Always remember, we are not being asked to ‘do’ anything necessarily, except to ask our hearts each day, what is the optimal thing we could ask for to best serve all life, and what could we focus on to create our preferred reality?

Use your gifts wisely. Forgive those who cannot, or do not wish to help.

There are very few working safely with energy. Be aware of this fact, and learn to listen to that still small voice within you who has the full Knowledge and Wisdom to keep you safe.

Your pets are suffering too when you spend too much time using the internet, social media sites which strip you of your life force and mind control you, apps, mobiles, and especially, when using 5G, SMART technology, StarLink, and Sky Net.

Think about your daily activities…how much Artificial Intelligence, EMF’S, ELF WAVES, microwaves and SMART technology are you exposing yourself to that is harming you? Guard your life force at all times.

If humans are not clearing their energy fields each day — at least three times daily — they are exposed to the satanic frequencies which are swarming throughout the planet via this technology, and their consciousness is being ‘hacked’ by demonic forces and higher levels of our AWOL soul fragments.

A full on attack on our consciousness and a planetary take-over is in full swing.

I will sign off now, and collate the messages.

Thank you for caring and for helping humanity’s children.

They are the currency.

Remember this truth, and when you see fires raging, trains crashing, weather engineering, chemicals spilling, planes vanishing, wars raging, chickens dying, businesses closing, cameras everywhere, wind turbines, mobile phone masts, ULEZ cameras, 15 Minute Cities and Clean Air Zones, pandemics manifesting from mystery diseases, and humans suffering, Digital ID, SMART devices, brain chipping, tracking devices and nano technologies, you are seeing the outcome of humanity manifesting The Great Reset Agenda 2030 and reality of choice for those who serve Lucifer and the Trans-human Agenda: the plan to destroy the biological human via genetic modification vaccines, and enslave humanity via injectable nano-technology.

Many do not even know about these plans by the UN, WHO, WEF, Vatican, Royal Family, Big Banks, Big Corp, Big Food and certain agents; strategically placed within your town councils, along with world global leaders, all bought and paid for by Bill Gates to overthrow humanity and enslave them, and so that they can access the children.

They are all ‘friends of Jimmy Saville and Jeffrey Epstein’ — two men who procured children to abuse for the rich and famous. They all keep each other’s secrets.

Most of them have visited Jeffrey Epstein’s Island and flown on his ‘Lolitta Express' plane.

You can easily view the United Nations and World Economic Forum websites online. “You will be happy and own nothing”, “You will eat bugs.”

They do not hide these facts. Listen to Yuval Harrari to glean elements of their madness, or research the famous Fauci, planning to introduce a worldwide pandemic and flu vaccine, and discussing how to do it in 2019.

Or, listen to them plotting Event 201, just months before they introduced the pandemic story.

Watch Monopoly — Who Owns The World?”listen to them laughing and plotting how to control the media to cause as much fear as possible.

They rely on your ignorance and your apathy. The parties at Downing Street during the ‘deadly pandemic’ should have been the last straw for humanity, but they hardly batted an eye.

Currently, along with implementing the Social Credit System via the Digital ID as per communist China, they are also about to legalise pedophilia in order to secure easier access to abusing the children, which is, unfortunately, what this dark cabal seem to enjoy, above all things.

They want you to obey, comply, submit.

This may seem too much to take in, but for those who have taken the time to study this group, it is evident that The Great Reset Agenda 2030 provides nothing beneficial for humanity, except slavery, child abuse, totalitarian control, and loss of everything we hold dear.

You have to be brave to look at these things. The children need our courage.

It is hoped that the messages will spur the reader onwards, to set to work to bring about positive, peaceful change.

It is so serious now, I pray more will listen and take time to help.

The time for planning your holidays, thinking about your TV viewing and other projects is over.

All your spare energy needs to go into saving the children from this dark cult.

You have everything inside you to peacefully bring about change.

The outcome for all of us, especially the voiceless, rests with us.

There is hardly any time left to choose.

Choose wisely.



It all started in 2011: a dark, all consuming energy; pervading the Earth Plane.

Planet Earth was tossed further into the dark-light vacuum of space-time continuum by unseen forces, and unforeseen consequences started to unravel as the dark ones stepped into this reality and commenced their takeover plans.

Plans so dark and deadly, that no one on Earth understood the consequences, not even those who serve this dark group.

This level of ignorance spelled disaster for humanity, and yet, in spite of the danger, a glimmer of hope appeared on the horizon.

A giant awoke from deep slumber and heard the warning calls.

The giant listened, and heard the news that; “the children were in danger”; “all life was in danger”, and the giants must awaken the other giants in order to secure a safer future for all children.

The plot to overthrow humanity is now in full swing.

The pandemic crisis was a pivotal moment in space-time.

The race to overthrow Earth is in ‘full-throttle-mode’.

Each giant that awakens carries the message of Hope for all life in existence:

“It is time to awaken the others. It is time to go home.”

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LOVE'S HEART PLAN Substack Podcast
You don't need anything or anyone outside of yourself to help you. Your heart has all the answers. My role is to help others gain confidence to try to get to know their heart and to start becoming self empowered and self reliant. It is easy.