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It has created 'a perfect storm' — the true description of what is coming if more don’t awaken to how the energy that we create flows.
a black background with a blue wave of light
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on UnsplashSine wave or Sinusoid Waves:




sine curve (also sine wave)


a curve representing periodic oscillations of constant amplitude as given by a sine function. Also called sinusoid

alternating current | ˌɔːltəneɪtɪŋ ˈkʌrənt, ˌɒltəneɪtɪŋ ˈkʌrənt |


an electric current that reverses its direction many times a second at regular intervals, typically used in power supplies. Compare with direct current

direct current | ˌdʌɪrɛkt ˈkʌrənt, ˌdʌɪrɛkt ˈkʌrənt, dɪˌrɛkt ˈkʌrənt, dɪˌrɛkt ˈkʌrənt |


an electric current flowing in one direction only. Compare with alternating current

Morse | mɔːs | (also Morse code)


[mass noun] an alphabet or code in which letters are represented by combinations of long and short light or sound signals: it transmits a signal of continuous dashes in Morse.

All electromagnetic energy e.g.,

visible light,


sound waves,

radio waves,

ocean waves

and X-rays

are sine waves; alternating current intensity which can be used to model alternating current intensity, converting alternating current to direct current

Sine waves repeat forever, meaning: “Periodic Functions,”

[periodic function

noun Mathematics a function returning to the same value at regular intervals.]

50 hertz per second means 50 times per second.

Morse code is dots and dashes.

Morse is a continuous wave.

Waves propagate energy which is created in the turbulence.

A snapshot of the particles affected by the waves at a given time will display the sine function….

And my heart guides me:

“Pilates, Yoga, Reiki, Wind Turbines, 5G phones, computers, SMART technologies, SMART meters, exercises like Pilates which make small, repetitive movements… The brain creates neural pathways during repetitive patterns.

This creates the sine wave (a continuous wave in the brain).

It allows the False Light Programs to ‘hook’ into the human due to this focus on mind, body, muscle movements; recreating the same frequency of the fabric of the False Light fields.

A human becomes pulled into this fabric, into the deeper recesses of time and space continuum — into the Mind Control and Ego Programs.

The more you repeat the sine wave, the larger  a receiver and transmitter of False Light programming you become.

You become:

— The Snake Wave or Snake Energy

— The Satanic Frequency

— The obstacle to your own rescue

You also experience:

— Loss of life force energy

— Loss of vital DNA remembrances of your Original Self.

— Loss of life in the physical

— Health problems

— Mental and emotional problems

— Depression

— Anxiety, as the soul aspect starts to panic about this perceived threat and loss of remembrances of your True Original Self.

The space-time continuum grows around you.

You become lost in the False Light Construct, unaware of the danger you have placed yourself in.

Unaware that you are giving your power away.

Afraid of the consequences, if you do become aware, many of you give up; feel there is nothing you can do.

You succumb to your choices that have led you to create harmful pathways to needless suffering.

Your empathy and compassion codes are being deleted by the program.

Therefore, for many, they cannot empathise with the harm they are also causing others.

Many feel it is futile to try — created by the sine waves and False Light mind-control issues.

Add a False Light vaccine into this mix, and what is the result?

A shut down heart.

A closed mind.

A sick body, and worst of all, a weakened spirit.

It has created a perfect storm — the true description of what is coming if more don’t awaken to how the energy that we create flows.

It flows either to heart and to spirit, or through mind and control.

We can regain everything we have lost.

We can repair all harm we have caused self and others.

We can disengage from the False Light Construct and Mind Control.

It requires a desire to protect, not harm.

A desire to heal all harm caused .

A decision to break all False Light contracts by stopping any action or activity that harms the spirit, the human, the Whole.

It just needs us to call to LOVE and ask for assistance.

Use “The Outer Waves Of Infinite Possibilities” to recreate your preferred outcome of your time spent here on the planet called Earth.

So many of you came to help and yet, you are immersed in Yoga, Reiki, Pilates, your Smart technology, your computers and 5G iPhones.

When will it become too late to change? For some, it is already too late because your desire for kudos has superseded any desire to protect the children.

The False Light programs have had a field day because many in these communities carried on long past the time they were asked to stop:

—To stop making repetitive, patterns called sine waves through your healing and spiritual exercise classes,

— through your use of the technology without ever asking for protection from all harm.

Many of you are now trapped in the very programs of False Light that you came to help rescue the children and vulnerable life forms from.

They needed you to help them. They were relying on your empathy, your compassion, your love for them, and most of all, they had entrusted you with a promise that you made to them, that when the time came to protect them, to wake them up, to give them their lost codes of remembrance of their true, original selves, that you would be there for them, to do this one askance: to help them awaken so that they could leave this dark place.

The Yoga, Reiki and Pilates groups have, in the main, squandered the children’s codes of remembrance which have been stolen through your activities, and used as weapons against the children and humanity as a whole.

This destroyed the Earth’s planetary and Galactic Grids, it destroyed the protective shield of humanity and it destroyed the individual protective shield of every living thing, including infants and children, some of whom are having heart attacks in the womb.

The dark have had a field day and if you want to hear about the plight of another couple who have suffered unimaginable pain and anguish, then listen to this story of Don and Shirley, shared by ‘Lies are Unbekoming’ on Substack.

Health story from USA/Canada

A million roads travelled.

It is heart wrenching to think about what humans are now suffering.

And why? All because Yoga, Reiki, Pilates groups, predominantly, were too steeped in their own egos to listen to their hearts and change their approach to exercise and healing.

Everything is centred around frequencies.

You are all in a frequency war.

Yoga, Reiki and Pilates have created the perfect storm.

That storm is upon you all and we ask you for one final time: now is the time to give LOVE a call, to seek redress for all the harm you have done to so many by destroying the protective shield of mind, body, and now, soul.

A soul harvest is upon you. The children are exposed. An awakening is occurring consecutively — a group who are going to be dazed, confused, and who will need your compassion and your wisdom.

Those who have a shred of empathy will do well to consider how much harm you are willing to go unrepaired; unhealed, when all you have to do is ask LOVE for help to remedy your errors.

This will go down as the worst event in history. A group who were chosen because of their ‘promise', who squandered the children’s codes and left them exposed —through sheer ego-centred malice toward anyone who pointed out the truth…that you failed.

You failed your mission.

You failed to connect to your spirit, despite your exercise and energy healing activities, and you failed to show love to all those on this planet who have entrusted you with your mission, in the complete trust that giving you their codes to help you awaken, you would naturally want to do the right thing and wake them up when the time is right.

We say again. You can stay selfish, ego-centred and cruel, or you can help.

Your choice to fail this group means you won’t come home. You will be going down the same pathway chosen by the entities, Gates, Schwab and Blair.

God help you all and god help your souls.

Claire, post this. Send it far and wide. These groups have to know what they have done and why they are being reminded to do their job, and follow the plan to protect the children.

That is all, Claire.”

ADDENDUM, 23 July 2024

I tried to post the above message yesterday on Substack, with no success. I have noticed how much harder it is getting to upload messages, especially if they are important. It has given me time to contemplate the message. It came through unexpectedly, yesterday evening. I felt an urgency in my heart that it needed posting; to reach as many hearts as possible.

I contemplated the previous messages about a mass awakening, about an impending attack on the Truth and Freedom communities, and the most recent message for the Yoga, Reiki, and Pilates groups.

What is happening? And now, I realise that the awakening is unstoppable because the timelines are about to switch again and LOVE has a plan to protect as many souls as possible from the soul harvest that will occur when the timelines switch.

Timeline switches spell disaster for humanity and all life. All unresolved karma, all un-repaired harm and all unhealed errors can never be addressed after a timeline switch. It causes soul shock, soul fragmentation, soul death.

Death of the soul means death of the life form.

We are at the end of an In Breath.

A new cycle of evolution, an Out Breath is preparing as I write this. We have very little time to repair any harm we may have caused, or which has been done to us.

We only have to ask our Inner Giant, our Infinite Self, our inner humanity or conscience to help us do this, and with LOVE’s help, coupled with the Laws of Creation, our free will choice to call to LOVE for help to rectify all mistakes and all harm is enough to free ourselves from this False Light entanglement.

The Yoga, Reiki and Pilates groups have been used to create the Beast System. It happened through False Light frequencies entering their energy fields during their exercise and energy practices. They were used and they refused to stop because the frequencies of satanic discord are highly addictive.

Try asking a Reiki master to stop their practices and you will see the satanic wrath pouring out of them as it rises to defend itself, afraid that the truth will reach the heart of the self-labelled ‘master’.

And so, currently, we are about to witness a mass awakening — to protect as many innocent souls as possible — and this has happened because many others have called to LOVE for help to protect the innocent.

And while this is happening, a huge karmic cycle, a vast tsunami of ‘Karmic Return’ is about to hit the communities who refused to stop their practices, thus exposing the children to satanic attack, to soul shock, to soul death.

We are at the end of time. There is hardly anymore time to repair.

If you do Yoga, Reiki, Pilates and refuse to stop your practices, if this karmic action has been left un-repaired, left to magnify, left in the hands of the demonic realms, and if a timeline switch is also imminent, what calamity awaits your soul, as your egocentric self turns its back on protecting the children?

That message was for you. It is trying to warn you of the imminent danger that you are facing through your own choices.

You have squandered the children’s codes of Remembrance — handed them over to the demonic realms who, in turn, have weaponised those stolen codes and turned them into weapons of mass, child-destruction.

You have placed the children on the sacrificial table to Lucifer.

Your ignorance has led you down this path and it has forced LOVE to intervene to try to help as many children to safety and out of harm’s way.

But, it will be too late for some of these children, and that means that the wave of Karma that is on its way to you and already knocking at your door, is magnified further because, to squander codes is one thing, but, to place the children in harm’s way by offering them to Lucifer is a far more serious crime, and it is criminal because this will mean the death of children and their souls risk being lost forever in the Beast System world.

I cannot, for the life of me, understand the risks these communities have taken, not just for their own soul evolution but for the soul evolution of the children.

What gives them the right to place the children in harm’s way like this?

And that is why Yoga, Reiki and Pilates groups will go down in history as the groups who placed the children in the hands of Lucifer, instead of delivering them safely into the arms of LOVE.

For those who think of Yoga and Reiki as ancient practices, why do you think that ‘ancient’ necessarily means ‘good’? Why does it mean ‘better’, or ‘more pure’?

Yoga was never pure. It was used to try to control the Kundalini (snake energy) and it was practised by those at the time who understood the importance of working with energy in safe ways.

Those methods were distorted a long, long time ago, and no thing on this planet can be considered pure.

Purity and Unity, Peace, LOVE and Compassion emanate from a different place than this dark place.

Everything that enters this place is distorted. Nothing is ever pure.

That is why the heart is meant to be used because through the heart connection, overseen by the Infinite Self which is connected to the frequencies of Purity, Unity, Peace, Love and Compassion, and so forth, a connection to purity is made, and it can only be done through the heart, not through sine waves, the third eye or other compromised chakra centres, microwaves, 5G, or SMART technologies.

The level of ignorance about how energy works down here in this dark place has been the leading cause of all the problems, and it is why it has been so easy to manipulate humanity.

We are Creative Beings. We hold the power of LOVE in our hearts. I truly hope that these groups will start to see that they have been used, and unless they ask for help to remedy their errors, and heal the harm they have caused, they are facing chaos.

Chaos, soul shock and soul death.

I hope these groups are prepared for what’s coming; for the ending that they have chosen for themselves.

I have no pity left for this group who held the power of LOVE to help the children.

All my pity is for the children — who have been laid down on the altar of Lucifer, placed there by humans who are too selfish, egocentric and cruel.

A mass awakening is happening; a timeline switch is imminent; a huge swathe of humans are addicted to sine waves and snake energy and rebelling against LOVE’s plan for the children.

The children.



Having heart attacks in the womb.

A perfect storm is in the making…

This is not the outcome that I would wish on any living being.

IF THIS AlSO CONCERNS YOU, I AM ASKING YOU TO FOCUS ON GETTING THIS MESSAGE OUT TO AS MANY AS POSSIBLE. We have to try to get a change of heart from these communities, and perhaps, if they understood how this has happened, they may wish to alter the course that they have placed the children on and avert a disaster that has been long in the making.

Please do whatever you peacefully can to assist.

I will attach “The Outer Waves of Infinite Possibilities” to the end of this message because it is powerful; it can help recreate a happier outcome for the children and get all innocent life to a place of safety.

You all came here with gifts of healing and repair. You all came with codes of Remembrance to help each other awaken.

You are being asked to spend time each day, from this day forward, to place down new gifts and codes in “The Outer Waves of Infinite Possibilities”, and to imagine the ending that you wish for your future.

We are Creative Beings. We hold immense power, and when used in peaceful, loving ways, we have the power and authority to recreate a peaceful, happier place — a reality that brings Joy and Unity, Compassion and Forgiveness, Hope, Faith and Trust, and many more frequencies that emanate from the heart of Creation and infinitely beyond.

Create a different outcome for the children. Your heart will guide you what to ask for that best helps all in optimal ways.

Don’t allow the mistakes of the many to harm the children anymore. It has to stop, and you are being called upon to do your job, which is to end the game and ensure all are returned safely back home.

Please do what you peacefully can to secure the children’s brightest future.





Your compassion and unity is needed. A heart-breaking message from humanity's children's soul family. If you are awake, please do whatever it takes to peacefully secure their brightest future.





Remote Viewing, Karma, Laws of Creation, Black Hole, Cosmic Attack, Soul Fragmentation, Soul Shock, Self-Nurture, Self-Heal, Upgrade and Maintain Heart Connection, Create Your Happiest Outcome ...

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LOVE'S HEART PLAN Substack Podcast
You don't need anything or anyone outside of yourself to help you. Your heart has all the answers. My role is to help others gain confidence to try to get to know their heart and to start becoming self empowered and self reliant. It is easy.