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Including A Request For Help To All Yoga, Reiki, and Pilates Communities

(Interesting that this message came through yesterday. I could not upload it on Substack. I was blocked all day yesterday, and only managed to upload it onto Bitchute).

I do not read newspapers, nor watch the news, I do not use a mobile, and rarely come online unless I am sharing information, so I was completely unaware of the recent events in the UK. The last few messages that I have shared online have taken on new, deeper meaning. I now understand why my gut has been doing somersaults all week. The energy is palpably dense and toxic.

I am hopeful that the Yoga, Pilates and Reiki communities will decide to help to create Peace and fulfil their promise to protect humanity and all life.

If you participate in Yoga, Reiki or Pilates you have placed yourselves in danger, along with humanity, especially the children.

Your ‘Search and Rescue’ mission has failed. (There is no anger aimed at you. I am simply stating a fact). My concern is for the children’s welfare whilst in this reality, and for their future, because the chaos that the Yoga, Reiki, and Pilates groups have created on this Planet — was totally avoidable.

Please take heart and listen to the message because it may help you understand what has happened to you, from the perspective of consciousness, and why I am sending you this message.

You have all been used (energetically) to open up the Gates of Hell and bring in the Demonic Realms, and you have given the dark ones vital codes which they have used to create the Beast System, which is now in operation.

Others have played their part too but, predominantly, it is the Spiritual, Exercise and Holistic groups who have made matters far worse, and far more severe than even the Heart of Creation had envisaged.

The Demonic Realms have used your stolen codes of Knowledge and used them to create the perfect ‘storm’ — to introduce, amongst many other things, more control and the excuse they needed for the Digital ID. You can peacefully and energetically help to stop this. You still have time. But only just.

You came in with many gifts. They were meant to help the others wake up.

The dark have stolen many of your codes of Knowledge and codes of Protective Assistance because your practises are completely outdated and, therefore, unprotected from dark attack.

Twelve years ago, (2012), the planetary changes meant that all practises became obsolete, including Reiki, Yoga, Pilates.

You were all asked to stop and move on, and to secure new teachings that were in alignment with the planetary shifts taking place, which were rapidly causing many practises to become defunct, and some became dangerous, in terms of the harm they could cause to the Cosmic Ladder: the Consciousness of all living beings.

In 2012, the Holistic Community, was asked by the Heart of Creation and the Laws of Creation to start using heart connection and to secure new teachings to keep all safe. New teachings were required that were capable of rapidly upgrading, in alignment with the rapid planetary shifts and rapid influx of Purest Light frequencies, as the In Breath drew nearer.

The protective shield of Humanity and Planet Earth was under ‘reconstruction’ to help all life assimilate these finer frequencies of the Purest Light Waves, which were bathing the planet in Purest Light and calling to all life to prepare for their return journey home — to get ready for the next Out Breath cycle: the next big cycle of expansion of the whole of Creation.

All harm and mistakes need to be repaired and healed to ensure everything is purified and made whole again, and to ensure that all that was lost, is found, and restored to its true original state.

This process is called, Evolution.

The codes of Knowledge that you volunteered to bring into this dark place were needed to awaken those who were still immersed in density; to help secure the children’s future and to protect all precious life, because this planetary shift created an increase in exposure to dark attack.

In essence, the request that was made in 2012 was to help the Holistic Communities grow in light, and to form a firewall of protection for those who were still immersed in density because their energy fields were in a weak state.

A group was needed to form this firewall of protection and to help soften the blow of this rapid influx of Purest Light. Purest Light waves feel like thunderbolts to a sleeping soul lost in the mind control and ego programs of False Light.

Our role, therefore, was to protect and shield, and help soften the extreme power of these Purest Light waves: to act as a ‘diffuser’, to prevent the risk of soul shock; soul fragmentation; trauma to the sleeping aspects of consciousness.

Those who had volunteered to come in with less codes of Knowledge and Remembrance of their true origins — did so, in order that you could come in with more, so that you could more easily integrate these Purest Light frequencies.

It takes great courage and bravery, and it takes great trust, to fall into density and expose oneself to demonic attack and have very little protection. They trusted that you would help them when the time came to wake them up.

These precious codes that were entrusted to you by these brave souls have been stolen by the dark — given away by you, without thought — through your lack of awareness about the planetary shifts from 2012 onwards and the rapid influx of light, and very few have gone deeply enough into heart to hear fullest truth guidance.

These precious codes, given to you by those many brave, defenceless souls, have been inverted and weaponised, and redirected back at humanity to fan the flames of the escalating violence, which was energetically triggered by the Satanic Olympic Opening Ceremony in Paris — with many Satanic displays of ritual played out to an awakening public, many of whom complained — as demonstrated by the censorship that ensued as the BBC and other networks withdrew their video coverage, while those, like me, who tried to download videos evidence of the ritual from Odysee, Telegram, and Bitchute were blocked from doing so. My computer and all platforms were blocked remotely.

So, a 2024 Parisian Olympic Satanic Ritual — played out in front of the eyes of the world — to steal more life force codes from those who gave the ceremony their attention.

A Satanic Olympic Ritual in Paris, designed to cause deliberate offence to religious groups as, The Last Supper, was re-worked: to mock religious groups — an act of deliberate, defiant Satanic debauchery and vulgarity, with a little girl stood next to a man with his ‘downstairs furniture’ on display… It was a satanic soul harvesting feast fest — as the harvesting of many more souls and imprisoning of more life forms ensued.

All that stolen life force — all that caused offence— all the resulting low energy emissions were harnessed, inverted and weaponised as harmful frequencies against humanity.

Frequencies can be used to sow the seeds of hatred, to cause more offence. The Ritual in Paris mocked humanity and laughed openly in its face, and along with the ramping up of the radiation frequencies via Starlink, SkyNet, CERN, and 5G, etc, the dark cult got exactly what they needed.

It is a dance that, once learned, you get to see it more clearly at each new occasion, each new ceremony.

The CERN Opening Ceremony and the Olympics 2012 Ceremony will stand in the minds of many.

If you have not seen the Olympic 2012 dance, and the trance dance of the medical staff in a robotic state, similar to the dance videos they did while the hospitals remained empty during lockdowns, it is shared here.

Ask your Infinite Self and LOVE for protection before watching it, and it will be done.

It is easy to fuel violence when most of the world’s population chose to be genetically modified by the non-human injection and opted to become an automaton: a NON-BIO (non-biological human), an easy life form to manipulate and control.

Those toxic injections contain hate making energy, and it is all fuelled by the Wind Turbines and mobile phone masts, ULEZ cameras, Facial Recognition and other forms of radiation which beam and transmit frequencies.

You have to understand the methods of those who have declared war on humanity.

The Frequency War: the war for your Consciousness; all the weaponry used against us is made from our stolen life force, and it is all around you. You have to know your ‘enemy’; understand their method of attack, in order to understand their weaknesses and gain the upper hand.

Deprive them of life force to remove their power source.

If we give our focus or attention for too long to Satanic Rituals or symbols, it opens up our gateways for the dark to come in and steal vital life force codes of Knowledge from our higher states of Awareness. If we take part in Yoga, Reiki, Pilates, etc., we open up our gateways to our consciousness and the same thing happens. If we use 5G technology, Starlink, SkyNet, Wi-Fi, we open up our gateways to our consciousness and the same attack happens…

These gifts of stolen Knowledge have been weaponised against us.

We have to ask our hearts for protection at least three times per day, a.m., p.m., and midway through the day to rebuild our protection, to help others who are floundering, and to stay on the right side of the track.

I am asking the Yoga, Reiki and Pilates communities to open their hearts to deeper truths. Your stolen codes have helped to cause a monumental storm for humanity’s children.

In this reality, they are still exposed, still being trafficked, hunted, raped and murdered by those perceived as ‘respectable’ members of society, who attend ‘child rape’ parties to satisfy their needs.

A large group of sexual predators have their eyes on the children. It is all about the children. This is the group who are hoping for your help — to have a change of heart — to repair any harm and to reclaim all that you gave to those who like to hunt and rape, and maim, and kill.

Please think of the children.

Your choices have also placed you on the wrong side of the track. You are hurtling towards THE FINAL SPLIT POINT: a point of NON-RETURN — it is your last chance to change track and help yourselves, at the very least.

The Ego Programs have re-wired your brains, but your hearts can still help you to move out of ego programming, and I just hope that you will try, as you watch the madness unfold.

You have all played your part in securing your own downfall, as well as the souls who gave you their codes, many of whom are being triggered to react in harmful, violent ways.

It could be so different for you all. It does not have to end this way.

Open your hearts and secure your own rescue. Make that call for help.

“Make the request. LOVE does the rest.”

May the Frequency of Peace rein supreme and may more souls step forward to energetically protect a highly vulnerable group of souls who have stranded themselves on the wrong side of the track, got too immersed in the chaos on the streets, got angry, got violent, sunk to new, lower levels of density and, in so doing, have handed the dark cult everything that they needed for a Big Brother state.

Worse still, a soul harvest is currently in full swing as these souls will lose vast amounts of life force. And what will the dark ones do with that life force?

They will feed off it to maintain their existence, they will invert it and weaponise it, and then, they will re-direct it back at humanity to cause more harm.

Meanwhile, the children’s safety in this reality is jeopardised further. The violence will not stop; the harm will not stop until humanity learn that this is a War on Our Consciousness, an energy war — first and foremost — a frequency war, and a war to harvest as much life force as possible before the paths of Light and Dark part for the final time.

The dark are fanning the flams of violence to help fuel their plans for Immortality.

That is the true agenda playing out on your ‘green screen’ TVs right now.

We must not give the dark anymore fuel. Not one drop. It is our precious life force: codes of Remembrance, and we need them all in order to exit this place, when the time comes.

If you don’t like what you see, then step forward to help secure the children’s brightest future and use, “The Outer Waves of Infinite Possibilities.” It is powerful. It needs a larger group to wake up to our power of Creativity, to respond peacefully and powerfully, in order to protect all precious life.


Early Warning Message For Vaccine Pushers, Vaccine Takers, Vaccine Makers, Vaccine Fakers

“Claire, we will give the full discourse today, in order to save time and energy.

This is a message for all those who took the C19 vaccine poison, under the guise of ‘helping the planet’ and ‘helping others.’

This is not the fullest truth, and we wish to advise you all, that as long as you keep on deceiving yourselves, you cannot fully evolve home on your soul evolutionary journey.

You will be left in limbo, at best, and, at worst, you will volunteer yourself to be returned to the left side of the track.

A course has been set now, and all those who were tricked by those who deliberately and intentionally meant to cause you all harm, have been separated from those who caused the harm.

A huge achievement was established a few days ago.

Calls for help for your rescue were placed in the “The Outer Waves of Infinite Possibilities” by those who see the current danger that you are all in, namely: the vaccine takers; the vaccine makers; the vaccine injectors, and those left disabled by the poison shot.

Destroyer Forces created the pandemic crisis of 2020, and those who serve Destroyer Forces —those who serve Lucifer and Satanic Entities — unleashed the Gates of The Demonic Realms into the Earth reality — to serve Lucifer, in order to harvest as many souls as possible, prior to the ‘End Goal,’ whereby the forces of good and evil: the paths of Light and Dark, split for one final time and all who remain on the path that serves Destroyer Forces will not be coming home, or evolving, or creating; in any shape or form.

We mean that, quite literally.

We also intend to level with you all.

You have all been duped, and you have all been tricked into making choices which, ultimately, threw you into the path of Lucifer.

And your choices placed you on the same track as those who serve this dark ball of evil, labeled here, as, Lucifer, Satan, Destroyer Force.

To place yourselves on the same track and same path as this group of malevolent beings was most unwise.

It left you fully exposed: not only in the physical sense, it has left you exposed in your spirit, and it is this aspect of yourself that carries a magnitude of such immense importance, more so than your physical being, which is simply a vessel to contain and house your spirit, your soul and all aspects of your greater intelligence: your consciousness.

You are all Conscious beings, Creative beings, and you all come from a place of such magnitude; in terms of intelligence, love, and concern for all life.

In this space that you call Earth, a place of learning and a place to evolve for a short period of time, you came here to help other life forms to return home who were trapped.

You all carried the ability to help. That was the plan.

The plan failed, and it has kept on failing because many became trapped themselves, as they lowered their unique Energy Signature, and reduced their capacity of LOVE, to enable them to fall into this place, without collapsing the entire space. Such is the magnitude and true depth of your capacity.

A single human on full power could demolish all evil, collapse all realities of False Light construction, and so, you all ‘lowered’ yourselves, in order to lower yourselves down into this dark, sorry place.

And what was once a Bright Light became a faint light.

What was pure Brilliance became dim and pale — that was the ‘dimming’ of your unique Energy Signature taking place.

Unfortunately, when a Brilliant Light is diminished in order to visit this place, attack on the Bright Light takes place by those who hunt in these dark places, and as you were lowered into the murky depths of Space-time, into the Earth reality, you had to pass through levels of darkness that stole more of that brightness, and by the time you arrived here, much of what you were, was gone.

However, you were on a mission, and no soul is ever left all alone by LOVE when serving a plan to ‘search and rescue’ in a place of darkness.

The Out Breath is preparing, as Claire writes this. It means that all are being called home to ‘prepare for’; to be ‘present and correct’ for the next big cycle of Evolution.

The next big expansion of Creation, itself: The Out Breath.

All are being called to return, and to make good any errors or harm that they may have caused whilst evolving away from the brightness of LOVE’s embrace, and this is especially true and necessary for those who are in ‘search and rescue mode’ in the darker recesses of Space-time continuum.

This dark place is being prepared and cleared of all darkness.

Nothing that is left un-repaired, un-corrected, or un-healed can return home.

Everything must be cleared up. All pressing errors must be repaired and healed.

It is the Law of Creation, and these laws must be obeyed.

They are not forced upon any soul. These laws were devised by each and every life form, and they are your laws — the laws you all created, and the laws which you promised to abide by; out of love for each other, and because you all felt that it was a way to ‘remain within the boundaries’ of the laws. These laws were created by you all to protect all life from harm. That is why you wanted them, in the first instance.

And these laws are in full operation in Space-time continuum. They have been working fully since late 2021/early 2022, when a gifted soul remembered to ask for her gifts to be activated — the gifts that she had brought on her ‘search and rescue’ mission when she lowered herself into this platform of learning, which you call Earth.

You all came to help each other and to help wake up each other.

To keep this discourse as short as possible, we wished to outline a simple version of your reason for being here, and then, to explain why we wish to let you know about your choices, and why they have been disastrous, so far, not only for your soul evolution and your life here, but also, for your soul family and those you came to help.

We will be very blunt because you do not have much time to rectify things, if you choose to do so, and if you don’t feel so inclined, then we wish to explain what the consequences will be for you.

You have diminished Light, and therefore, diminished Remembrance of the Laws of Creation which you all helped to create, and these laws are about to ‘respond’ to the current situation.

Let us explain further.

Your previous choices had landed you on the same side of the track as those who are evil, who serve Lucifer and Satanic entities, meaning: they serve the demonic realms and Destroyer Forces.

These energies are entirely dangerous and can harm any being and soul who has not asked their heart and LOVE for protection.

When a sincere heart or soul requests help from LOVE, it is THE LAW that LOVE will help.

Remember this truth. In order to get help, you must ask for help. LOVE will do the rest, and LOVE is far stronger than any other force in existence.

LOVE deals with Destroyer Forces very easily. It is a ‘drop in the ocean’. And it would be a drop in the ocean for you to deal with Destroyer Forces, except that you are diminished in Intelligence and Purest Light. You do not have the Knowledge or spiritual power to address the dark forces.

Your heart can, though. As well as LOVE.

And your heart should be the first point of call, then LOVE, so that your heart oversees what energy comes to your rescue, because many make the mistake of forgetting to call on their heart, their inner being, known to Claire, as: The Infinite Self.

The Infinite Self is on ‘full power,’ and your heart is the ‘dial up’ method that makes the call for help.

Why are we telling you this?

It is because you have forgotten.

Back at 'base camp’, you know this, but down here, in the darkness, you are, well…you are in the dark about a lot of things…

One of the things you are in the dark about is that others have rescued you from the side of the track you were on because they saw the problem, they remembered the issues and they called to their Infinite Self and LOVE to help you, because to remain on the other side of the track spelled disaster. You were surrounded by dark forces, and you were having your diminished Light stolen and diminished further.

You would have never got back home to your true origins had you stayed on the path leading to Nowhere.

You would have been abused, hunted, tormented and, eventually, your soul would have been destroyed along with every other part of your remaining spirit.

It is not what you wanted. You specified a ‘Return Home’ before you entered this dark place, and you requested that if you ever forgot, that we would remind you, and we are here today, to remind you…

You have been moved to a place of safety — away from the dark, destroyer forces. All of humanity and all precious life has. It has all happened in the last few days, and you have a lot to thank others for, because their calls for help ensured your rescue.

It is not over, though.

The Laws of Creation are quite clear.

When a soul is rescued; owing to the volume of requests by others who called on LOVE to save them from danger — the laws become more stringent for each soul, upon rescue.

You were on the wrong track because you had not identified that you had harmed others, you had not identified all errors, and you had not sought LOVE’s help to repair and heal all harm that you have caused yourself and others.

An unhealed, un-repaired Being cannot return home in a worse state than when it left, if the reason is due to lack of concern for others.

It is THE LAW.

All actions are done out of love for Self and others.

All harm caused to Self and others must always be repaired by seeking LOVE’s assistance.

You are not expected to know how to, or what to repair.

You have diminished Light and diminished Knowledge, however, you are still expected to be concerned about any mistakes: any harmful actions, thoughts, words or deeds of yours — which have magnified, as they remained untouched, un-repaired, and in some cases, unacknowledged…

It is the ‘unacknowledged’ harm that you have caused which is now placing you in danger of a Non-Return.

A Non-Return might seem trivial to you in your diminished Light state, but, we guide you that when back at the Heart of Creation, the mere thought of remaining in a diminished Light state — of ‘Not Coming Home’ to all those who love you and who you love, to be unable to create, or be in joy, or feel constant peace, happiness and spirited good cheer, to be unable to evolve and grow, or learn and help each other….it is unthinkable to the True you, back at base camp.

Your choices?

Yes. We have to address this issue. It is a bold message. It is the truth and we do not hide from the truth, so here it is…

If you have injected the c19 poison into someone else, if you were a volunteer during the fake Destroyer Force pandemic, if you were paid to inject others, if you advised others that it was “safe and effective”, you have caused great damage to all life, and it is of such a magnitude, that in order to return home when the whistle blows; in order to remain on the ‘right side of the track', we need to remind you of the laws and the outcomes; as we previously laid out when errors are not resolved.

We think you are starting to understand?

We cannot interfere with your free will.

Any choice has to come from you.

The truth of the matter is that those who elected to get vaccinated with a False Light poison shot deluded themselves that they were doing it for humanity, for their family and friends, and work colleagues.

This is not fullest truth though, is it?

It has to be placed here for you all to see and hear these truths, because the decision was ego-centred.

Many fell for the manipulation that they were being some kind of ‘hero’.

Those who injected also elevated themselves to ‘saviour’ and ‘rescuer’ level. This was egocentric in nature.

You have to step away from deluding yourselves, now. You have to because, otherwise, you are facing the full force of the Laws of Creation.

Your celebrated rescue from imminent destruction by Destroyer Forces has been over-shadowed by the elephant in the room.

You have not acknowledged your errors. Those errors have magnified. They have not only caused you harm — and that will need repairing — your errors have caused harm to all life, especially those you injected.

Their spiritual ladder of Intelligence, their connection to their True origins was diminished by your decision to inject them and, equally, by their stupidity and foolishness in believing that these injections were “safe and effective”.

Many of you know now, that they are not only, NOT “safe and effective”, they are deadly.

They have been withdrawn by Astra Zeneca because they were proven to cause heart attacks and blood clotting.

This knowledge was known at the outset.

We will keep repeating this point: this was a plot by Destroyer Forces and those who serve them on the ground, to depopulate vast swathes of humanity.

The dark ones on the ground and the Destroyer Forces covet the children.

Everything thing going on in your world: the fuel crisis, the food crisis, the wars, the pandemic mystery ‘X’ disease, the Luciferian Agenda for Trans-humanism, the facial recognition cameras and C40 cities, the SMART technologies and so forth, are all geared towards separating the children from their parents and from those who might protect them.

The immigration crisis, is geared towards Digital ID, which is geared towards accessing the children more readily.

The 15 minute towns and villages and clean air zones, the Net Zero and carbon neutral plans being implemented by your town councils are all geared towards accessing children more easily.

You are dealing with forces of such evil magnitude, it cannot be expressed fully here.

What is harder to digest for many of you — because many of you lack the courage to look too closely — is that those who are implementing these changes are part of a large group who like to harm and abuse children.

Why do you think they are being encouraged to listen to adult humans in all manner of confusing dress, tell them all about sexual activities…why at the age of four and nine does a little girl need to know about anal sex?

We are being blunt here because that is what your town councils and governments have encouraged at every library and school in the western world.

They have no moral values — these groups who harm. They are grooming the children via Disney, via Hollywood, via education, and online chat.

It is easy to groom children when so many of you chose to expose them to radiation: through mobile phones, computers, SMART TVs, Wi-Fi and SMART technologies, including your SMART meters.

These emit radiation which, to a small Being running on diminished Light, suffers theft of their life force energy by Destroyer Forces, who feed off children’s energy, and it is seen as ‘pure nectar’ to them.

You are diminishing their lives by letting them use these things. You are also diminishing your own life and the life of others by using these technologies.

“Everything has a risk,” someone said to Claire recently, as a way to brush off the danger to health, and happiness…

Really, is it OKAY to give, not only, your life force to Destroyer Forces, thus diminishing your life here, and also, risking your entire Existence, but to brush off the risk of causing cancer in another human being, to kill a child with slow pulsed radiation and sterilise them in the process, that is OKAY, is it?

Any fool who is stupid enough to pass off these things as an acceptable risk is ego-centred and too selfish for their own good.

And, unfortunately, far too many of you are ego-centred and too selfish to concern yourself with these matters.

Radiating each other has become ‘fashionable’ these days.

Radiation not only diminishes your life. It diminishes your intelligence.

It is why Claire was asked to put out the message; to help others understand why it has been so arduous trying to awaken humanity to the danger they are facing. Radiation makes you thick and sick.

So, those of you who injected, have some decisions to make about your future, and about the side of the track you wish to be on, and about whether you are concerned about what happens to you, after you leave the physical body…

We will also advise those who faked the pandemic, faked the information regarding the C19 poison shots, faked the news, faked the death rates, cooked the books, served the cult agenda.

Unless you make a free will choice to change, you will remain on the left side track, and we will not interfere with your free will choice to do so.

Claire is questioning about the media…she thought those who had faked the news had also been rescued.

Those who told the lies on TV that led to the death of other living Beings who trusted the narrative and went for the injection, who later got sick and later died? They were not rescued by LOVE.

The reason why? They have shown no remorse. They serve the cult agenda, the trans-human plans to take over the biological human and turn it into an automaton. They will not change. There is no remorse, only glee.

The ones who did not know and who got injected have already collapsed and died on your screens, live on TV.

The Laws of Creation — the ones you all serve — came into play and responded to their choices.

If you force another to do something and deceive them into believing facts that you have not checked out yourself, have not validated truth inside your heart, you have committed a crime — caused a death.

That is called murder, even back a base camp.

It carries terrible backlashes from the laws.

If you cause a death through ego-centred choices, through selfish disregard for life, you lose your right to life.

What you take from another, is taken from you.

All must be fair and in balance.

That is called “Justice.”

Is it just and fair to remain alive while others have been killed by your lies, misinformation, tricks, manipulation: to take into their bodies a poisonous, hazardous toxin that held great promise to eliminate at least half of the world’s population?

If you injected others and did not educate yourselves about the possible risks, did not explore online to validate all aspects of information, did not ask your heart Intelligent and LOVE for guidance, is it ‘just’ and ‘fair’ that you live while others you injected have been maimed for life and died?

Do you have to risk facing death before calling for all your errors to be healed and repaired, and all harm caused to others forgiven?

Are you so selfish and cruel, that only when faced with your own ultimate death, you call out in desperation for help?

Is this is the way of life and love and truth?

Those who made the vaccines? What of them?

Who ordered the toxic ingredients, the DNA fragments, the SV40 cancer causing ingredients?

Who ordered the DARPA technology and ET technology? Who procured those ingredients and mixed them into the vaccine ingredients?

They do not accidentally find their way into these things.

Who placed the aborted cancerous foetus DNA fragments into the poison shots?

How many knew about the ingredients who kept quiet, did not speak out?

Many nurses on Vaccine Boards knew. So did their directors. They all kept their heads down. Kept quiet, except for a few, who knew these shots were deadly and that many would die.

What happens to folk like these who knew, but said nothing?

Which side of the track do you think they have placed themselves on?

What about the “safe and effective” fakers, and volunteer injectors?

What side of the track are they on?

If they got rescued but remain in ignorance about the part they have played in this ‘Murder in The Dark’ game, which track do they end up on?

Claire was warned that she is to expect to witness a spike in death rates.

We say, all is possible.

It all hangs in the air — the threat of death for those who overplayed their ‘Murder In The Dark’ games.

Claire, this has to go. Those who are ready to acknowledge the part that they played in this genocide will always be supported.

We acknowledge that many came in with diminished Light but, we also acknowledge the children who have been exposed to Destroyer Forces, been attacked for their life force, and had their lives diminished in the process.

The Destroyer Forces have their sights on the children.

LOVE also has the children in its sights.

No matter how bright or how diminished your Light is right now, do the right thing, secure these little Lights a future that is infinitely brighter than this dark place.

Secure their freedom. Secure your Light.

For those working diligently…

Thank you for all you have achieved in a very short time, with very little support on the ground from those who came to ‘search and rescue’.

Many became the ‘rescuers’ and ‘saviours’ of the pandemic story — a huge diversion away from helping trapped souls, and the magnitude of the error, as yet, remains unhealed, un-repaired and therefore, the children’s safety in this dark place remains unresolved.

We expect to see a rise in deaths from lack of courage to acknowledged the magnitude of the errors made during the 2021 mass vaccination crisis.

For those who are helping… Be FREE. You have earned your return. A promise made is a promise honoured.

Keep using “The Outer Waves of Infinite Possibilities” to place your wishes, hopes and dreams there.

Watch as things around you fall into place, old wounds start to heal, and start to enjoy the process of re-connecting to your brighter aspects of Self— your Infinite Light — getting brighter each day, now. Keep up the good work. Keep up the momentum.

The dark cannot penetrate the wall that has been placed around those on the ‘right side of the track’, however, they can still cause harm to those on the same side of the track as themselves.

All harm is now in ‘Constant Return’ to all those who try to cause malicious, deliberate harm.

They are, in effect, building their own prison cell —with each attempt to harm innocent life and those trying to protect all innocent life.

Keep your guard up. Keep vigilant.

Keep connecting three times daily — to maintain a strong defense for all on the homebound track.

Keep these souls safe, and perhaps, envision more souls acknowledging their errors and requesting repair.

You cannot interfere, however, you can still dream, imagine, and create.

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LOVE'S HEART PLAN Substack Podcast
You don't need anything or anyone outside of yourself to help you. Your heart has all the answers. My role is to help others gain confidence to try to get to know their heart and to start becoming self empowered and self reliant. It is easy.