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“Claire, we aim to give this full discourse without interruption and without mistakes. We intend to give the fullest truth, above all, and those who listen are being asked for one final time: to reconsider their position, and how their actions have led to the unfortunate death of three little girls, ten wounded, making thirteen, stabbed at The HART centre in Southport by a ‘supposed' unknown attacker, and seen as a ‘random event.’

‘Random’, as we said in our last message, does not mean anything at higher levels of awareness.

At higher levels of consciousness, the word ‘random’ does not exist.

It is a ‘phantom’ word, as is: the true meaning of YOGA, REIKI, PILATES… ‘Phantom’ — in the sense that, they hold no meaning at higher levels of consciousness. There, these words mean ‘death’ — ‘death of the soul,’ and it is this scenario that we mean to lead you towards — those of you who still have hearts that care, because what is about to unfold on humanity, particularly, the children, is a fait accompli, meaning: it is their fate, because so many on your planet do not understand what YOGA is these days, what is was millennia ago, and what it has become. The same could be said of REIKI and PILATES…exercises that open up humanity’s gateways to Demonic Realms — by the sheer decision to participate, you open up your gateways at higher levels of awareness, gateways that should never be opened, not now, not ever, and your decision to participate in YOGA, REIKI, and PILATES has far reaching consequences.

Humans are easily led. The teachers are to blame, although we are not here to assign ‘blame', however, to practice this exercise of Yoga is one thing, to teach it is another. It is “another thing,” because your decision to teach others to open up their gateways to Demonic Forces and let these forces of evil climb down their ladder of consciousness and walk right into the Earth Plane reality, is the reason why three little girls are dead.

It is the reason why children in Palestine and Israel, and in other parts of the world are dead. It is why they died painfully.

It is why they are dead.

To teach YOGA, REIKI, or PILATE creates sine waves in the energy fields of the students and attendees.

It is all the dark need to walk into this reality and start to harvest life force off the children, who they like to hunt, and maim, and kill.

Claire has already shared the futility, of heartache, as children bared their soul to her after death, and told their story in “A RACE AGAINST TIME”, a message which, for anyone who still has a heart, brings sorrow and sadness that it has ever been allowed to get this bad in this reality, this platform of learning which you call, Planet Earth.

Claire, this has to go. We are asking you to be brave, be bold, hear our words from the Heart of Creation and through your Infinite Selves…those of you who still have a heart that cares need to prepare.

Prepare for what, you may be asking? Indeed, we say, you need to prepare. Prepare for what is coming if more do not stop YOGA, REIKI, PILATES.

Babies are having heart attacks in the womb. HEART ATTACKS…IN THE WOMB…How can this be happening, many may ponder?

It is happening because the Planetary energies have fallen, once more.

Claire, please trust this message, keep going, keep typing. The babies are dying in the womb owing to the poison their mothers allowed to be pumped into them.

This grave error carries grave consequences, and the decision to do this has far reaching consequences.

Babies should not normally have heart attacks in the womb. It all started in 2021 and carried on from there.

If one was to draw an imaginary timeline from 2021 to 2024, it would never be a straight line.

Why not, you may ask? What type of ‘line’ is it?

Claire, and everyone listening, it is no longer a line, straight and true. It is no longer a direct line back to the Heart of Creation. It is a wobbly line, a wave, if you will. If your eyes are closed and if you are focusing on your heart while listening to this message your heart, your Infinite Self, the part of you that knows ALL, sees ALL, is here to help you if you ask for help, will now be showing what this timeline looks like.

Pause the recording here to give you all more time to see or perceive this, however, your heart shows things to you.

You are all individuals. Some may sense, some may see a visual picture inside their heart centre, some may know without seeing anything at all.

Allow your natural Infinite state of SELF to help you because you are needed to help, to prepare for what is coming….

Claire, it brings us no joy to be telling you all that another calamity is on the cards by those who like to destroy and harm, and this is especially so for the children, who need your love and heart-felt compassion, because the world’s children are exposed to enormous entities in the form of Destroyer Forces, brought in by YOGA, PILATES, REIKI practices.

We do not blame these groups without reason, or without intention to raise the alarm with those who practice these things.

We say again, everything on the Earth Plane is tarnished with Destroyer Force frequencies. There are no exceptions to these rules. EVERYTHING ON YOUR PLANET IS TARNISHED, COMPROMISED, RIDDLED WITH SATANIC FREQUENCIES AND HARMFUL DESTRUCTIVE WAVES OF TIMELINES THAT HAVE GONE AWOL, and in the process of letting in Destroyer Forces by YOGA, REIKI, AND PILATES groups, the Destroyer Forces, which carry a magnitude of arsenal and weaponry, who carry knowledge way beyond your ability to comprehend, have walked in through these specific gateways: YOGA, REIKI, PILATES, all of which create the Snake Wave…the wave that brings in Lucifer.

Sine waves: little distortions created by doing small repetitive functions of the muscles in Pilates, create little holes in your energy fields. A vacuum is created, an upside down ‘cone', it spins, it distorts and it makes those tiny holes in your energy fields and ladder of awareness, bigger and bigger, and you do not see these holes, you only see your outer beauty, the way your body is transforming through Pilates…but what you do not perceive is the trick being played on your ego-driven nature…your desire for beauty outweighs your desire to protect the children. Even those of you who have been shown how harmful these practices are at the Cosmic Level cannot stop…you are driven, you are addicted to the Snake Wave energy.

Up and down the UK, village halls fill up with those seeking to look good. YOGA, a long time ‘defunct’ practice, is now a dark art; performed by members of society who simply do not concern themselves with the children, their own safety, or the demonic frequencies that they are letting into this world.

Southport, Palestine, Israel, babies having heart attacks in the womb…

And so, it comes to pass that we are in the month of October. The month where all the children are lured into believing that Halloween is a bit of fun, a harmless time of ‘entertainment'.

It is a mockery to your humanity to partake in these things, and it is manslaughter to those who allow their children to partake in a satanic ritual, Halloween, the bewitching hour.

It is a date in the calendar when it is easier for the Destroyer Forces to enter this reality. They do this every year. Why every year? Because those who partake in the ritual of Halloween invite it in.

Your decision to do something has two consequences…it either destroys your soul and your life force, or it carries you along a path that is straight and true.

Look through your Infinite Self, inside your heart, look at the timeline of 2021 to 2024….study the wave, the snaking, oscillating waves of satanic frequency.

You are all more than capable of doing this. Simply, ask inwardly to be shown.

Study this Snake Wave from 2021 to 2024, and study the many lines of Snake Waves that spring forth from one timeline.

This is how the dark forces, literally, force you off your natural path that is straight and true, the path to happiness and freedom, to Peace, Love and Unity…this path is constantly under attack, and many calls for help have previously been placed on the ‘World Wide Spider’s Web’ and the Grids of Awareness that also run alongside these dark grids….one that is straight and true, and the many that spiral off and out and distance themselves from the straight pathway, the only path that gets you out of this dark place.

Claire, we wish to talk while those who still have a heart that cares about the children, to ask their hearts about soul shock.

How much shock was created in Southport, do you think?

Consider those poor souls who did not survive. Can your heart show you what happens to their timeline, their path that is naturally meant to be straight and true?

What about those who were badly injured? What did the shock do to their path that is naturally straight and true?

And what about those who are grieving, who are traumatised by what happened?

What about those who had to deal with the event: the police, the nurses, and locals?

Look at their pathways. Are they straight and true?

Pause the recording throughout this message and come back when you are ready.

There are many suffering around the world. This example is being used because it may feel more real, as it is closer to home for those in the UK — it did not happen “OVER THERE,” that place that many switch off their concern for because it does not feel real, and so, for many, they simply do not care.

This event caused shock. Three girls, stabbed at a YOGA themed dance class, at the HART CENTRE.

Do you see now, this was not a ‘random’ event? This was a planned attack on the children, and it was designed to cause as much shock as possible.

Shockwaves knock a human off their natural straight path. If this happens at the point  of death, it causes soul shock, and the soul aspect of the human also starts to wobble, the soul’s path that is naturally straight and true rips away from their natural timeline.

Your natural timeline carries all the codes you need to grow, to evolve, to learn, and to get home to the Heart of Creation when the time comes to leave the physical body.

Demonic forces and Destroyer forces cannot exist on a natural path that is straight and true because they have lost the ability to realign with their natural state, which is LOVE.

They have to feed off energy, in order to exist away from their natural timeline, their pathway back to wholeness.

Therefore, they have to access energy from somewhere. That ‘somewhere’, is from other life forms, namely: humans, animals, plants, sea creatures, anything which is alive, is game.

Humans carry unlimited amounts of LOVE frequencies in their timeline. This has been harvested by the dark for a long, long, time and so, humans do not live as long, they get sick — owing to lack of codes of Remembrance to repair all harm. They die young because their life force is being eroded.

Quite literally, humans carry enough ‘ammunition’ to deal with the weaponry that is, in essence, their own energy — stolen — and weaponised against them.

Destroyer Forces cannot create anything from their own resources…they have none, they are on a ‘Wave’ line, thousands of miles away from their true natural path, and so, the humans who are practicing YOGA, REIKI, and PILATES are fair game for Destroyer Forces.

All the Destroyer Forces need to break into a human energy field and steal their life giving energy, is human acquiescence.

Therefore, to partake in any frequency-band practice which involves LOWERING your frequency, invites in the dark to steal more of your light, your life giving energy, your codes of Remembrance.

When a soul sees what a human is doing by letting in the Destroyer Forces, the soul aspect panics. It sees the danger that the human cannot or does not wish to see.

The choice to practice these dark arts, and they are dark arts, because like the satanic rituals of Halloween, Bonfire Night, and the Christmas Tree Ritual, all these articulate to Lucifer that you agree to open your gateways to your natural timeline and allow the Destroyer Forces to steal the codes and frequencies and knowledge that is there for you, and take it, without any resistance.

You acquiesced. You agreed. You do not understand the Laws of Creation, the first of which is “DO NO HARM.”

You have broken this law and many, many more by practicing a dark art which has allowed Demonic Entities and Destroyer Forces onto the Earth Plane to wreak havoc — to supply those who serve these forces with more advanced technologies with which to harm you all.

You turn away from these truths because you say, “that no one could be that evil". Look at history…you think ‘being evil’ is a thing of the past?

You avoid the truth because the truth is you have no courage, and you cannot face the ugly truth of what you are doing, or that Demonic energy is prevalent on the Earth Plane, or that those in power might truly be evil.

You cannot look at the ugly truth because your lack of courage prevents you from seeing beyond the fear, beyond the realisation that Demonic Forces exist, that they are powerful and cause a lot of harm, or that other humans could possibly harm children. It must be, “only a handful”, you console yourself with that big lie.

The ugly Truth. The ugly Truth is that you are surrounded by those who like to hunt, rape, maim, and kill.

It is why three little innocent girls died in Southport, and the worst is yet to come.

The YOGA, REIKI, and PILATES groups are misguided fools who think they are doing good, getting fit, and looking beautiful.

The ugly Truth is, that is the trick. That is the hook that Destroyer Forces required, to keep you switching your timelines and to keep you moving away from your natural path that is straight and true.

Each time you practise YOGA, REIKI, PILATES from now on, you shoulder the Knowledge that you cannot say you did not know that it caused you and others harm.

You cannot say that you did not know that it broke the Laws of Creation, the first of which is: “DO NO HARM.”

You can say that your beauty was more important than your desire to protect the world's children from being stabbed in the heart at a satanic blood ritual by Destroyer Forces, let in by all those who practice these dark arts.

You cannot say that you did not know.

And now that we have shown your hearts what is happening to the children, to humanity, to your own natural pathway that is meant to be straight and true, will it be enough to get you to stop harming and start protecting the children?

We simply do not know.

But we have to ask you, one more time, because the threat to the world’s children is about to explode, and the threat to your own lives is also— in equal measure — to the damage you have allowed to be created by the Destroyer Forces through your stolen, weaponised codes, now aimed at the children…we cannot say that you will stop harming, we cannot say.

But we can say that you cannot say that you were not warned. You cannot say that the idea has not been sown into your consciousness. You can no longer remain in denial, refusing to look at the ugly Truth…That evil exists. That you have helped to harm the children through ego- led thinking that was not heart centred.

Your hearts would have told you, had you asked. You would have known to stop.

When the harm caused to the children becomes real, you can never, no longer, hide behind your wall of self deception.

We are asking you all, for one final time, to consider the children and their fate if you ignore this request.

Consider the implications to your own natural path. To carry on means: death of your soul, and with death of the soul, comes death of the self.

It is the Law of Creation. All must come full circle. You reap what you sow.

You have been put on notice. Now, you know.

Claire, please record this once, typos included. It has to go, because the Destroyer Forces are about to unleash untold harm on the world’s children.

Pray that more stop, and start protecting the children.

A portal is opening for those seeking a natural path that is straight and true. Connect to your hearts and follow inner direction.

All is being overseen and supported by LOVE. Trust the Laws, trust your Infinite Self, and keep asking for help from LOVE to protect the children.

That is all, Claire.”

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LOVE'S HEART PLAN Substack Podcast
You don't need anything or anyone outside of yourself to help you. Your heart has all the answers. My role is to help others gain confidence to try to get to know their heart and to start becoming self empowered and self reliant. It is easy.