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Photo by Nikhil Mitra on UnsplashWelcome to all those who have taken time to listen to my podcast messages which aim to offer true outcome potentials if humanity use their gifts wisely to end suffering and bring about peace for all.

Many are suffering right now. Much is occurring on the planet we call Earth and many timelines are occurring in parallel, at the same time, and many humans and other souls are being fed to the wolves because the timeline switches currently underway are causing murder and mayhem, and I mean this, quite literally, as my fingers type away without knowing where this discourse is going except to say, I need those of you who care about your own future outcome, and the future outcome of all precious life especially the children, who the dark ones have their eyes firmly fixed on, to please help to share this message far and wide.

Because, today, the timelines switched.

I did not fully realise until now.

I woke up this morning and felt anxious; quietly agitated.

Never a good sign, and we must all become more aware, more finely ‘tuned in’ to what our bodies are trying to tell us or show us, because any unease; any sense of anxiety; fear; irritability; depression; sadness must never be ignored.

These are signs and symptoms of radiation sickness — caused by attack on our consciousness.

Attack on our consciousness is where the war is happening.

For the majority, it is happening in areas that are beyond their knowing, simply, because they have never looked — it is not because they are not capable.

And those of us who are looking at our consciousness and studying the depths of this complex space, also know that we are always growing and learning when we attempt to help ourselves each day, by looking at the deeper aspects of this war, namely: the true Cause of our suffering.

And what is the true Cause of our suffering?

Many already understand that we are in a False Light Construct — a matrix of dark, entangled fake light — meaning: Purest Light Frequencies that have become distorted over a long, long time.

And this entanglement of distorted Purest Light codes has created a Cosmic ‘soup’ of murder and mayhem’.

And who created this Cosmic ‘soup’ of murder and mayhem? Why, we did, of course.

Everything that you see that you deem bad; harmful; toxic; everything that you watch as the suffering of others around the world plays out on your TV screens; every animal that you see being mistreated; every whale  and dolphin that beaches; every bee that has disappeared, and every life form that has vanished or become extinct, is all caused by our collective thoughts, actions, words, and deeds.

We are Creative Beings. We are capable of creating great beauty: magnificent opportunities for growth and learning.

We are also peaceful, loving Beings who experience the most joy when we are free to create.

The wonders of this world were created by our collective consciousness, and the worst horror of the ages were collectively instigated by ourselves, too.

Do you like what you see on your TV screens, these days?

Do you like what you helped to collectively create? The cancer, the babies being born with painful birth defects, the chronic illnesses, the sudden disability of many previously healthy humans?

Is it all too much to concern yourselves with?

For many it is, and for them, it is too late.

Right now, as I type this, ambulances have started to pass very regularly past our house, the main route to the hospital.

I have noticed the increase in frequency of the sirens.

This morning, during my heart connection using “The Outer Waves Of Infinite Possibilities,” I noticed happenings in my inner world which I could not explain, and during the clearing part of the heart connection routine, I heard the words, “Gas Chamber.”

I knew I was safe. I know that my heart was trying to tell me something, urgently.

Later on, whilst still in heart connection, I observed a strange phenomenon, I saw something trying to get into my heart area, it looked like the outline of a human form but it had no features, it was just an outlined shape, filled in with white light.

I know white light is distorted light from our very selves and, despite emitting light, I could also perceive that this energy emission, whatever it was, it was malevolent.

My Infinite Self advised me to spray the figure with my Purest Light spray bottle — an imaginary bottle of Purest Light spray that I created, imagined, and inside this spray is the power of LOVE from the Heart of Creation and the Laws of Creation. It is highly effective at dealing with all types of energetic attack and radiation attack.

I use this spray a lot.

This light emitting entity was trying to get inside my heart centre, and what troubles me, is that there was more than one of them, there was a gang of them.

I had previously been guided to deal with some very toxic, ancient, malevolent frequency distortions that my heart had cleared whilst I was using “The Outer Waves of Infinite Possibilities,”. I had been shown an image of a Tenpin Bowling Alley with all the tenpins lined up at the end of the lane, and I had been guided to peacefully send back all malicious harm to all those responsible for the harm, by powerfully sending a ‘bowling ball of returned harm’ down the lane to strike out all the harmful ‘tenpins’.

They all fell over with the full force of the return.

I know that LOVE has sent back all the malicious, harmful energy to all those who created, sent and perpetrated this harm to ourselves, and all innocent life.

I watched the tenpin clearing frame come down, and my Infinite Self and LOVE showed me how these ‘tenpins’ of malevolent Destroyer Forces were being cleared and sent down into the bowels of the Earth, and beyond this place, down to the gates of Hell, and down through these gates into the world that they think they have created for all lost souls using our biometric data, which has been stolen from us.

Bits of ourselves have been stolen, through our DNA and other energy emissions, in the form of thoughts, actions, words, and deeds — anything emitted from us that had created a low vibration — and that was all the dark ones needed from us to create HELL on EARTH: the place they aim to send us all to.

Those tenpins looked like the white outlined forms that were trying to gain access to my heart centre.

I couldn’t piece everything together, except contemplate another observation at this stage, and I know there is more to be revealed, but I needed to explain what I have seen beforehand, because I think the remaining discourse may shock the listeners, and hopefully, by now, those who will not help will have lost interest, and those who remain are the ones I am being asked to reach out to because those who remain are the ones who can help.

I also need to mention that military aircraft are regularly flying over our home. The frequency of this has also increased. We know they are dumping metallics and chemtrails because it always rains the day after they fly over. The energy emissions from their craft is very dark.

We always ask for all harm to be returned to the originators and perpetrators, especially to all those who are spraying our sky with toxic poisons.

All of them have to receive back what they have created, and equally, we need to ask for all our own errors to be forgiven, meaning deleted, so that any harm we may have caused others, that may have led to chemtrails being sprayed on innocent life, is also deleted.

Some of your stolen energy emissions and codes of Knowledge are in those chemtrails.

And likewise, some of your stolen energy is in the AI God that Elon Musk and his chums are creating, in the form of GROK in Memphis.

That energy is our energy. Our knowledge.

Artificial Intelligence is our stolen life force codes of Remembrance.

Remember, I keep repeating this to hopefully reach newer listeners: everything that you see and everything that you use to communicate with: through your computer, 5G phones, through Starlink, SkyNet, through Fakebook, through ‘X’, the mark of death, formerly known as Twitter, and so forth, is all stolen life force codes.

They are the components that make up the Beast System, that are also used as ‘fuel' for the dark ones to feed off, in order to exist.

Your life force, biometric data, and DNA ‘fuel’ is stolen and given to the advanced aspects of your AWOL selves that exist on higher levels of consciousness…the ones who are at war with you, at war with your consciousness, at war with your mind, body and soul, and they are ripping huge holes in your consciousness, as I write this.

They need your life force — to exist away from the Heart of Creation — away from their true origins.

They are bent on destruction. They are bent on destroying you. They loathe you. They hate you.

Their supporters on the ground also hate and loathe you. Some of this group on the ground hold great Knowledge and know precisely how to manipulate your consciousness, and they also know how to torture and torment your mind, your body and your soul.

They also need your life force to exist.

The dark groups on the ground below this group seek power, and control, and wealth, and a better standard of living than you.

They do not care about you. They also loathe you and they serve the demonic realms by providing the fuel that the demonic realms need to exist: through fear induced wars, plagues, cancer, suffering, destruction of nature and beauty.

All those currently in power in Big Corporations, Big Banking, Big Pharma, all those currently in power in your governments, your military, your healthcare systems, your town councils…they all serve the war on your consciousness, they all serve the Agenda to destroy your soul.

There are very few in positions of authority who do not know what this agenda is.

There are very few innocent humans in positions of power.

Think Davos. Think Bilderberg. Think United Nations Agenda 2021 and 2030. Think Club of Rome. Think Royal Family, Think Ursula, the ice maiden at the EU Parliament. Think Digital ID and Biometric data. Think any organisation calling itself an NGO or ‘Foundation’.That means you, Hilary, Tony, Bill and Melinda. Think Green. Think WHO, Think WEF. Think Sustainability and Net Zero, Think 15 minute cites and facial recognition, and you are right on track.

Except, it is more than this, isn’t it?

It is a planetary takeover. A takedown of your planet.

This is a mass extermination event.

The softly, softly extermination tiptoe is in full swing, as the facial recognition cameras go up around you, the food shortages and food quality goes down, humans are dropping like flies and athletes are collapsing suddenly on the pitch, while babies are having heart attacks in their mother's womb…

For goodness sake, why isn’t it obvious to all on this planet?

I keep mentioning the Yoga, Reiki, and Pilates groups, the Freemasons, the 5G users, and the SMART technology users because all of you have given so much of your power away, in the form of life force codes to these dark entities, that they have been able to create the Beast System, soon to become the Internet of Bodies, but the most sinister thing yet, is Elon Musk’s AI God.

How much life-force and how much Knowledge was stolen from humanity to create something like this?

How much of your own energy and biometric data, your DNA codes of Remembrance, your precious emergency codes for leaving this dark place and getting back home to your true origins…how much of your own energy helped to create this thing?

What happens when we call on our Infinite Self, LOVE, and the Laws of Creation for help to get our stolen codes back?

Answer: The AI God dies. The Beast System dies. Those who are using your power, lose control.

Those who have stolen your money, your savings, your health and your freedom, lose theirs.

Those who have harmed and stolen your health, become unwell and get sick, and die.

Those who jabbed the innocent without thought for their safety, experience sudden collapse, sudden death, cancer, reduced immunity.

Those who helped the media tell the lies that fuelled this bedtime story, collapse in front of the cameras, and start dropping like flies.

Those who promoted the poison shots to further their flagging careers get sick.

Those who have caused others to die, have died.

What we choose to take from others becomes what we lose.

It is the Law of Life.

Those in your town councils who are pushing Agenda 21— the Trans-human Agenda — the war for your soul, wrapped up as ‘Sustainability’, ‘Green Deal’, ‘Net Zero,’ become exposed as criminals and become easier to spot by those still immersed in their self-centred lives.

All criminals mentioned above energetically imprison themselves by their own crimes against humanity, and they are about to fall like tenpins, and end up in Hell

It is all starting to unravel.

I see this happening locally in the microcosm…locals are starting to question their council and their ignorant responses, and the council’s approach to local issues is annoying many.

It is all starting to fall apart at the seams, but it would happen much, much faster if more humans realised that the reason why Joe Public cannot see, the reason why the public appear ignorant and selfish, is because the radiation levels are sky high, in the sense that this radiation sickness war, this weaponised attack on humanity is affecting their consciousness, a place they never visit to check this part of themselves.

Our consciousness is being attacked. Our consciousness is our protector, our castle.

When functioning properly, when regularly maintained, our consciousness or castle can weather all types of storm, even energetic tornados. If  it is checked and maintained daily, it gets stronger.

In this dark place, it is already in a weakened state.

Your castle walls are in a weak state. Attacks are happening in unseen unexplored areas of your castle and if humans keep ignoring the fact that if this castle collapses, through poor maintenance, through ignorance, when every brick of Knowledge has been stolen by the dark, when all that remains is a collapsed building around yourself, how do you plan to survive, to protect yourself?

By the time your castle is gone, you will already be dead.

I wish to impress upon you all that to ignore your consciousness, to refrain from looking after this part of yourself, you lose your opportunity to exit this place.

Bits of your very selves, are scattered throughout time and space…

How to you expect to get them back? Where are all those parts of yourself? You have to be whole to leave this place. Nothing must be left behind. Not one brick of Knowledge. All parts of you have to be found and repaired.

Where did they go?

What dark agenda are they being used for, to unleash harm on humanity and all precious life?

What part of yourself was stolen that enabled the dark to produce an injectable toxin that is causing babies to have heart attacks in the womb?

How do we weaken the dark plans for the AI God?

And this is one of many AI Gods…This is just the one they are revealing to you, because if you do not object, if you do not ask LOVE and the Laws of Creation and your Infinite Self to help you, Elon and his chums can go ahead without receiving karma for their dark plans…

It will be all your fault, because they know how to manipulate you: They present their plans to you.

It is why Tony Blair keeps mentioning the Digital ID.

They ‘present’ in the hope that you acquiesce by not complaining; not objecting; not questioning.

Then, they implement the plan. And their karma?

Their karma is placed in your consciousness, your castle.

The result of their karma being inside your castle walls?

Theft of your precious codes, for more dark plans.

Karma is toxic. It creates apathy. Apathy means you let more harm happen to you, and you don’t complain, object, or question.

There is no fight. You do not defend yourself.

The more toxic karma that is placed in your castle, the more fake information they can place in your consciousness.

The more Purest Light codes of Remembrance of your true self that are stolen, the less knowledge you have.

It is like having a safe filled with diamonds and rare jewels, ancient knowledge, precious maps of all the escape routes out of this dark place, and the fuel to propel you out of here…all that gets stolen and replaced with fake knowledge, fake jewels of wisdom, fake maps…and you do not notice, you no longer care, you start to think it is all futile, too late to change.

That is what is happening to every human on the planet who does not seek help, does not go within in their own way to ask for help, and who does not care about the fate of others on the planet you call Earth.

So you are on a fake platform of learning, sharing this place with many who seek your destruction, who do not care.

It is not about your ‘safety’, not about ‘climate change’, not about being ‘carbon neutral’…this group ultimately seek your demise.

My heart is stepping in now, and I hope you will listen because we all need to help each other, and very few are bothered enough to want to try.

Their castle walls are caving in as the ‘white tenpin life forms’ try to break into their hearts…the ‘final frontier’ for the dark, because our hearts hold the greatest Knowledge: the jewel of all jewels, because if they can steal this Knowledge and these codes, not only do they have your soul, they think they have the ‘eternal life’ that they are desperate to achieve.

And I hear:

"Claire, we will continue from here on in. It is complex.

You have laid out the situation fairly accurately, however, there are a few holes in your Knowledge that we wish to expand upon.

The right to life is upon you all. What does that mean, we hear you ask?

The right to live and the right to die.

And by that we mean that the right to live is a Law of Creation. It is your birthright. Your right to be alive.

This right is being stolen from you as we speak and, as Claire has mentioned, the ambulance bells are more regular these days.

Why is that? It is because the right to life is being taken away by those in power who deem themselves to be ‘above’ you and above any power that gives life, namely: LOVE.

LOVE gives life, and it is against the Laws of Creation to harm any living being.

It is against the Laws of Creation to take the life of another.

Or, to force another to take their own life — to cut short an experience during the creative process.

Even in the dark place of the planet you call Earth, a dark dense place, where satanic frequency is the overarching energy, and where the Laws of Creation have not fully operated until recent years, all this distortion and density has caused much loss of life:

The loss of the right of many to enjoy the experience of living.

This place you call Earth has become a platform of learning provided by LOVE, and replaces the original Earth.

When Yoga, Reiki, and Pilates groups, predominantly, refused to stop their sine wave and snake wave practises, vast amounts of their consciousness was stolen, and in walked the demonic realms into the Earth reality.

The demonic realms came from the top decks of the damaged ladder of consciousness.

Their plan was always to collapse the ladder of consciousness and to inhabit the living body.

This broke the Laws of Creation, and should have produced a huge karmic cycle at the time. However, the Laws only became fully operational in 2021/22, and because of this, and coupled with the planetary happenings of a mass genocide and poisoning, it meant that the karma that was meant to be received by the dark ones, was instead dumped inside the fields of consciousness of those who partook in these exercises and practises.

Not only did the actions of these groups and their continued sine wave and snake wave activities cause the protective shield of humanity to totally collapse, but also, the total collapse of a conscious shield automatically leads to death.

At this stage, the problems are only just beginning…

When a human dies with a collapsed ladder of consciousness or a completely stolen castle of consciousness, every part of themselves that has been pillaged by the dark is then broken down into either ‘fuel’ which the dark consume — to exist off — or, the stolen components of consciousness, in the form of codes of Remembrance, are used for all manner of technology.

In essence, everything that you use in your daily lives is made from stolen life force.

Whose energy is powering your fridge, your microwave, your kettle, your 5G iPhone?

These are only able to exist in this reality because they are made up of stolen life parts, stolen DNA codes, your stolen, sacred, data.

You think electricity is natural?

Electricity is made up from the life force of the Earth, your life force and the life force of animals, birds plants, etc…It is all stolen energy.

Why do you think things look so grim here?

Theft of data. Theft of life force comes at a heavy price because it breaks every law in the book of Laws.

What are they doing with your biometric data?

Why is the Age of Information Technology so important, in truth?

When there are so many deep issues that need addressing to help humanity, why would Elon Musk concern himself with an AI God?

If Bill Gates is such a harmless little man, then why is he fixated on vaccinating everyone?

Why has vaccination become so important to these entities? Do you think Bill and Mel Gates care about humanity?

How much time are you spending in front of your TV?

That is a mind-control device used for propaganda.

Do you truly think that the BBC tell you the truth, or is it the truth that they want you to hear?

Why was Sky news telling a story about a supposedly collapsed building, and why was the camera left rolling when the fake concrete blocks were lifted with ease by the stage crew and moved off set?

Why are the media fixated on giving us fake news? Why supply fake actors to pretend they had covid in the 2020 era, just before vaccine roll out?

And why are millions dying or dead, or sick in their beds, and why don’t the mainstream public notice these facts?

Why are your social media alternative sites being censored so heavily?

What are they trying to hide? Or perhaps you should be asking, what are they trying to prevent?

And the answer is they are desperately fighting for their own survival now.

They are desperately fighting to increase their propaganda, to increase your karma by manipulating you into acquiescing to your own enslavement, and they are desperately trying to break into humanity’s heart centres to gain access to your heart knowledge.

For some, the attack on their consciousness — an attack which has gone unnoticed by the individual — has resulted in death, and not only that, it has caused death of the soul.

This is a far worse outcome because it means that the soul has been destroyed and it will have been torn apart savagely by the ‘demonic wolves' that exist in other frequency bandwidths, and it is about these bandwidths that we wish to talk about today.

The ‘white light forms’ that Claire observed trying to come near her during heart connection are aspects of the higher self that have fragmented away from the ladder of consciousness.

In more simple terms, the higher self refers to parts of the human consciousness which are just above soul level: the next big Russian Doll level of higher awareness above the soul, which held greater Knowledge than the soul or personality self levels.

When higher self aspects fragment away from the personality self’s consciousness, they often go AWOL because they are viciously attacked by demonic forces which are also AWOL fragments of awareness.

Essentially, ‘satanic’ or ‘demonic' are descriptors for aspects of consciousness that have become fragmented from the ‘mainframe,’ so to speak, and gone AWOL as further attack ensues — to rip out as many codes of Knowledge.

AWOL aspects of soul and higher self can become vicious, spiteful and malevolent, as they are practically destroyed in the process and all purity is stolen from them.

They can become like a broken bag of bits and useless parts, which get scattered throughout time and space continuum.

Space-time continuum is made up of humanity’s stolen codes of courage, which became fear and this is what space-time truly is: a blanket of dark smog containing you all, and stopping you from seeing your true potential, because you only ‘appear’ weak in this dark space.

That is not the true reality. But, for now, you are here, and it all feels real.

Are you beginning to see, that if space-time is made up from your lost codes of courage — turned into fear — to hold you inside this dark space, that if you now see that this reality has been created through manipulation, through theft of your data, your codes of Knowledge, and if you are lacking Knowledge externally, surely, setting yourselves free could be your reality if enough of you asked inside your hearts for this, who knows, what might be?

And that is what we wish you all to be aware of.

The dark will keep creating pain and suffering as long as you keep giving them your codes.

They cannot bake a cake unless you provide them with the ingredients.

Elon Musk is testing the waters. Will enough object to his plans for the AI God?

Will those with enough wisdom left, start to call back their lost codes, now, and each day, to weaken the systems that rely on ‘ingredients’ provided by humanity?

What will it take to set yourselves free?

Would it surprise you to know that you are already free?

Make that your reality.

If they use your gifts to make their preferred reality, then, why aren’t you using your gifts to make yours?

Don’t you see?

You created this, whether you wanted it or not.

You gave the TV your focus. You watched their plans played out in films, Disney, Netflix and Fakebook.

They told you their plans each step of the way because they needed your ingredients to bake the cake they wanted for themselves.

They cannot create.

They have rejected the love of Creation.

They cannot exist on thin air.

They need your energy in order to exist.

They cannot exist if you break free from this reality because, where would their fuel come from?

Break free.

Use your imagination.

Smash down the space-time continuum.

Realign the timelines to help trapped souls to also break free.

Let your heart help you — to visualise what will help all in 'optimal ways.’

See the ‘AI God of Memphis’ collapse in a heap and disappear.

Create food and warmth in abundance.

See the children and all innocent life safe and running free.

Create the outcome that the corrupt town councillors, corrupt military, corrupt Big bosses, corrupt Big Pharma, corrupt politicians and criminals, like Bill Gates, are exposed.

Create the immediate reporting on the news about the death camps and gas chambers which FEMA and the UN have already built in secret.

Make everything that is hidden, exposed in your imagination, by seeing all the agendas that are hidden, placed ‘out there' — right in front of humanity’s faces.

You cannot interfere with humanity’s choices but you must still help the children, and prevent their suffering and enslavement.

How do you do this, you may be asking? Ask your hearts each day to unlock more gifts, to return all that you lost in its purest, original form which is, LOVE.

Set yourselves free by seeing that you are already free.

Remind yourselves daily “I am free.”

Say it out loud. Ground it into this reality.

Then, imagine you have keys that unlock all the shackles around your feet and ankles, all the tethered areas that the dark ones may have tied down — around you and your consciousness.

Then, imagine that you are unlocking all the shackles of the all children, all the vulnerable and all innocent life forms. Pretend, and it is done.

Then, get your ‘Purest Light Spray’ out and imagine that you are spraying all trapped life and setting them free, and watch while the ‘Purest Light Spray’ falls on all those who have contrived and plotted to tether the giants to the ground.

Spray them all regularly throughout the day with these precious codes of Purest Light that carry the power of LOVE and the Laws of Creation, and allow them to set to work.

Be creative, whilst working within the boundaries of the Laws of Creation and LOVE, by asking your Infinite Self, “What actions best help all in optimal ways?” and trust your heart, who carries immense Knowledge and love and concern for your wellbeing on this platform called Earth.

Those higher self aspects that are vicious and malicious? How do you address this issue?

And the saddest answer is that you must not take pity on them by letting them in. They will destroy you.

You have to be brave and hand this over to LOVE.

Claire has had to ask for some of her AWOL aspects to be deleted in order to help protect the children.

Some are so badly damaged, they will never change, and are bent on destruction.

So, you have to be careful when you see aspects of damaged self trying to return. Therefore, with little Knowledge on your best options, it is the wisest thing to ask for LOVE and the Laws of Creation to oversee these aspects, and to shield all from the harm they can cause, including yourself.

Claire, there are more awakening, this is why you are sharing this massage today, for those who are starting to question, who are seeking deeper understanding.

Everything shared here must be discerned inside the heart centre of each individual, and inner questioning will provide answers to the many questions that this discourse is creating.

It is all to the good, though. A force of goodness is mounting as the many giants start to awaken, and as the previous giants have awakened the sleeping giants, these new giants will awaken many more, and so, the snowball effect — the avalanche of goodness— is pouring down the mountain towards the dark ones.

Where will they run to? Get your spray out and protect the children.

The demonic realms will get more desperate as the avalanche reaches them, and those serving them will also go into fear.

Fear creates a vicious cycle of desperation and vengeful retaliation.

Do not give any entity, any saviour doctor, or ‘saviour’ politician your power.

A pandemic of corruption surrounds you all, and now is the time to give LOVE a call.

This needs to go Claire. The giants are awakening and are hungry for information.

Create, imagine, dream and spray any entity that comes near your castle.

Nothing must be allowed near your castle. Not one ounce of energy must be lost.

All is in the process of healing and repair. All is being found and recalled. All is being uplifted.

The more giants who focus on their preferred outcome, the sooner you end the game.

End all suffering. Create Peace for all.

That is all, Claire.”

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LOVE'S HEART PLAN Substack Podcast
You don't need anything or anyone outside of yourself to help you. Your heart has all the answers. My role is to help others gain confidence to try to get to know their heart and to start becoming self empowered and self reliant. It is easy.