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“Claire, we will dive straight in — not only because this message is highly relevant today, it is also highly important, and possibly, one of the last messages you will be sharing.

And this is because it is becoming increasingly clear, that very few on your planet have grasped the nature of the issues.

Those who have grasped are few and far between.

The few who do realise the true nature of the issues are left trying to hold a door closed which should have millions of helpers behind that door.

Not so long ago, Claire shared a message entitled: “CLOSE THE DOOR ON 2024.”

How many helped to shut that door, do you think?

How many stayed in position to keep the door firmly closed?

The message, “Close The Door On 2024” had advised you all that, unless more in humanity got into position to protect all life, the plans for 2024 by Destroyer Forces and their servants on the ground who serve Lucifer, through Satanic Ritual and child sacrifice, were horrendous and would cause untold suffering.

How is 2024 panning out for you all on Planet Earth? Did enough of you get into position to protect the children?

Claire, the children who died in the UK attacks would not have died had more stepped forward to close the door on 2024.

Prior to that message, Claire had put out guidance for parents regarding the dangers of encouraging their children to take part in Satanic Rituals which are dressed up as ‘entertainment', including the 5th November Guy Fawkes: Bonfire Night in the UK; preceded before this, by 31st October: Halloween, another Satanic Ritual, and then, this is followed by the Satanic calendar events of 11th November and other portal opening events, whereby, Purest Light Frequencies are meant to be reaching all life on this platform of learning, which you call Planet Earth, but which never make it through, because humans are ‘tricked’ into taking part in Satanic Rituals which lower the planet’s vibrations and prevent help reaching all trapped souls.

The children are used to take part in many Satanic Ritual events because their energy is a prized; harvested possession by Demonic Entities and the Destroyer Forces, who have their eye on Planet Earth and, especially, they have their eyes on the children, who provide a lucrative business for the servants on the ground who help to procure children to abuse and ritualistically kill, and Destroyer Forces, who live off the fear created by the children when they are killed, or, are suffering.

Ritualistic blood sacrifices are a sign that Destroyer Forces are the leading force behind events on Earth. All events which cause suffering, fear, heartache, the innocent depositing of life force energy, through partaking in Satanic Ritual, for example, Guy Fawkes Night…the burning of a ‘human’ body on the bonfire is a sacrifice to Satan — to Lucifer … you all go and watch, and in doing so, you give your ‘permission’ for Lucifer and Satanic forces to enter your energetic levels of Knowledge and Wisdom via your conscience, and they start to devour your life force — literally— reducing your life, and harvesting parts of your soul and other higher levels of awareness.

You do not perceive this, yet, your soul does, and it is in torment now, as it watches Halloween draw closer, and Guy Fawkes Night draw nearer, and the scare mongering that a new, killer disease is out there, just waiting to pounce on you and reduce your life.

The threat of death told by the black box in your hand, and on the walls of your living rooms and fancy kitchens, keep playing the scare-mongering narrative and, yet, ironically, the real threat of death, the real thing to fear is the black box narrative and the mind control devices that are radiating you all and giving school children cancer … That threat — the one you should be aware of, passes you by, as you get yourselves and your kids ready for The Witching Hour — 31 October, 2024.

And how much life force will you give to Lucifer this year, via your children and your presence at these events?

Do you not yet understand, that your tacit agreement, your decision to partake, or to watch anything which is bad for you, is all it takes to let Lucifer in to steal your life force and harm your kids and your pets. They all suffer, and you remain blind to the danger.

How many politicians use diamond and pyramid hand shaping in front of you, on that mind control device that you cannot step away from, on the wall of your fancy kitchen?

How many of you think that the bigger the size of your TV, the bigger you are, somehow, in status?

The biggest TV screen cannot offer a comparison to the vast amount of ‘life’ that you lose when you watch it, unprotected, because you did not choose to use your heart intelligence, to ask for help.

It is all you have to do. Ask for help. Ask for protection. Keep your children away from those who want you to partake in Satanic Ritual, dressed up as innocent ‘entertainment.'

Why do you think that governments around the western world want to make child abuse legal; acceptable?

Why do you think the United Nations wants children to have sexual partners?

What do these people get up to behind closed doors, if they are pushing for Pedophilia and child abuse to become acceptable?

Why has the Pope donned the World Economic Forum entity, Klaus Schwab, as the ‘Universal Bishop’?

Bishop for who, and, of what?

And why does Claire have a terrible feeling that something terrible has happened today, to cause fear, heartache, and hearts to stop?

Claire, it is simple … Not enough closed the door on the dark plans for 2024, and they are playing out today, as Claire types this.

How many of you know how to help to peacefully protect the world’s children and all precious life?

How many of you care enough to want to even try?

You were all moved to safety, to help you all to wake up, and to see the true danger that is staring you all in the face.

The true danger is that box in your lounge and on your fancy kitchen wall; the other mind control device that you constantly look at in the palm of your hand. You have to check it, don’t you? And recheck it, constantly — throughout the day…Does that seem ‘odd’, to you?

Because it should but, it does not, and that is because the mind control is controlling your mind; your thoughts, and it is reading your mind and your thoughts, and it has the upper hand because you choose to carry it in your

side pocket or, inside your chest pocket, and it is radiating you and will give you cancer eventually. Many will die this way, because they did not stop harming themselves or going to Witch Rituals, or stop watching the effigy of a human-being, burned alive, without considering Guy Fawkes and the torment of that man’s soul, as you burn him each year.

Would you burn an effigy of your dead son, or daughter, or family member? It is witchcraft; it is Satanic; it is the way of Lucifer to get you to do these mind-controlled things, without ever questioning why.

You are in a trance and things will only get worse unless you decide to step out of the trance, to start to care about the world you are creating for the children, the things you are encouraging them to get used to as, ‘normal’.

How many of you can converse face to face with another human without checking the mind control box in your pocket?

How many conversations are broken in flow because one of you has to check?

Social media admitted that the mind control boxes emit addictive frequencies. They also emit Thought Transference…they can make humans do things to harm others, if the circumstances are right.

A ‘random event’ is rare, these days.

Wake up.

‘Random’ is not a ‘thing that exists’.

These events that cause shock are done to deliberately cause shock: soul shock; heartache; fear; suffering.

They would not have died, had more closed the door on 2024. The ‘random event’ was pre-planned, make no mistake. Nothing they do, is ‘random'.

The Great Reset is in full flow now. Not enough closed the door.

The Beast System is in full operation, give or take a few implant upgrades.

The implants are in you all, now. It is why it is so difficult to connect to heart, and why you, who closed that door, still get blown off-course, no matter how hard you try.

Yet, LOVE is here for you, and you only have to keep on calling for help and, for many, life has become joyful, despite the chaos in your world.

The war in space is in full flow and this Space Race War is coming to a crescendo, and the entities that are fighting for control of your planet have troops on the ground, and these factions are stirring up a lot of trouble, because they need your life force.

They need you to keep using your mind control devices; listening to the big black box in your fancy kitchen; keep believing the codswallop ‘stories’ told by various narrator’s — all of whom say they care about you — but you have never met them, these abusers, who you ritualistically permit to abuse you, through their stories of fear, their pyramid hand-shaping; their Eye of Horus signalling; their hand in the coat pocket stances, and the new’s readers keep pushing their favourite ‘bedtime fear story’ on you because you have not learned that your control device has an OFF button…You just have to keep watching the ‘green screen’ stories, and so, what is real in your world anymore, when wars on the ground are faked, when supposedly collapsed buildings are cleared up by ground crew while Sky New’s readers watch the polystyrene, fake concrete being lifted with ease, and even when you see this live on TV, you still choose to believe their stories.

And worse still, you still choose to indoctrinate your children into dressing up as demons and witches, ghouls and ghosts while the Destroyer Forces steal their life force, and you look on, in your trance-like-state: oblivious to the real threat — the danger — staring you all in the face.

The Beast System — up and running since 2023, let in by the Satanic practises of the parents who like their Yoga and Pilates, and their Reiki, and those who use 5G, and now, Starlink; SkyNet — frying you all, quietly, while you sleep.

You do not see the danger, you do not feel the threat, you do not sense any unease because mind control devices by the side of your bed are constantly transferring thoughts — that “you are safe” and everything that they say, “is safe and effective”, is effectively working; coherently, within your energy system — the Mark Of The Beast … within you all, now.

Solutions. Are there any?

There are always solutions staring you all in the face, too.

You have to understand the problems before you can perceive the solutions.

You have to understand that the Space Race War should be your main concern, not the events on the ground, nor the pyramid hand-shaping politicians, or the well-meaning philanthropist billionaires who want depopulation, trans-humanism and full access to your children — to abuse them without question. It is why it has to become legal, you see. It has to become ‘acceptable’, so that generations down the line, the children will expect it … it will be their ‘new normal’.

The ‘new normal’, ‘new-world-order-billionaires’ and the well-meaning bespectacled entity wearing its cuddly, non-threatening jumpers whilst espousing preposterous TED talks about [Quote]“vaccines doing a really good job reducing the world’s population,” [Unquote],

want more access to your kids, not less, and not just via ‘Friends of Jimmy Saville”, or other predators, like Jeffrey Epstein — the billionaire pimp and his side-kick, Ghislaine Maxwell, (daughter of the deceased media tycoon), both of whom sourced, groomed, and trafficked young children and young girls to rape on Epstein Island — for the world’s powerful politicians, actors, celebrities, government leaders, CEO’s of BIG Banks, and BIG Corp, Royals, Bishops, practically everyone who is rich and famous has visited that murderous island — and, seemingly, everyone in the alternative media knows about it but, somehow, very little was reported on the black box green screen, bed-time story device of your main stream media screens, and so, many of you simply do not know how dark things have become on your planet, because too few chose to look at the ugly picture, the ugly truth, and even fewer decided to peacefully try to do something about it that protected, not harmed.

And so, now, here we are today, another calamity has befallen humanity and more life has departed, and Claire still does not know what she will find has happened, because she is busy offline, typing, and rarely uses the radiating technology, and when she does, she simply asks her heart and LOVE and the Laws of Creation to protect her from all harm.

She extends this request out and asks for all life to be protected by LOVE and the Laws of Creation, and this request is far more powerful than you may understand.

The War in Space is raging above your skies and in deep space.

If you cannot perceive this war is raging, and that it is the true cause of everything dark and ugly that has happened on your planet, then, what else do you not know?

What do you not know about 5G radiation and cancer?

What do you not know about the lies being told to you on a daily basis?

What do you not know about 5G, direct energy weapons, and the true cause of fires on Planet Earth and the island of Maui?

What do you not know about Satanic Ritual and how you are manipulated into breaking the Laws of Creation to steal your life-giving energy?

What do you not know about the danger the children are in?

What do you not know about those in charge, those in authority, those making decisions about laws, free speech, those who are pushing to legalise child abuse and Pedophilia?

How many are corrupt in your Town Councils?

How much corruption is in Big Banking, Big Food, Big delivery systems, Big Government, and how much do you not know about the leaders of organisations such as the Vatican Church, the World Economic Forum, The World Health Organisation?

What do you not know about why Tony Blair wants digital ID?

What do you not know about vaccine injury harms, nano bot technology and the space race war?

What do you not know about who is behind the killing of three innocent little girls?

What does the media know, that prevents them from telling you truth?

If you can start to seek answers to some of these questions because you have suddenly realised that there is a lot that you do not know, and when you do not know something, when that ‘not knowing’ could result in your death, or a child’s death, when something you do ‘not know’ could have saved the life of another, then surely, it is worth knowing what your Heart Intelligence and Knowledge (held inside your heart and inside your conscience) is trying to tell you.

If you want to stop being a ‘not knowing,’ trance-like-human-being, if you want to move into the ‘land of the living’, it requires your courage and your motivation to defend your life and defend your children.

The same message has been repeatedly put out into the Fields Of Awareness that all living things are connected to. It is why animals leave somewhere before a Tsunami strikes and it is why many humans remain unaware, in their ‘not knowing’ state; controlled by their black radiation box: addling their thought patterns and replacing their own thoughts with Artificial Thoughts, and so, there they stay; drinking their margaritas and sipping their wine; sunbathing; swimming; not knowing that danger is coming. Unaware. Asleep.

The animals feel the darkness on this planet. They are hurting too, and many are nervous; in fear.

They have yet to be exposed, along with the children, to the worst life force theft that is coming…The Christmas Tree Ritual — the time when the most help from the Heart of Creation reaches down into the murky depths of this dark place — but, as always, it is blocked by the millions who place a pyramid, with snaking lights, topped with a Star to draw in the demonic realms, and satanic frequencies: to dull their minds, just a little bit more.

The life force stolen at Christmas is the worse theft ever. The planet goes very dark at Christmas.

There is no Peace. How can there be, when the masses are erecting huge structures that worship Lucifer, and very few are in the ‘knowing’ state. Very few chose to close the door on 2024.

The children are suffering greatly, as are your pets and livestock.

You can choose to remain in your ‘not knowing’ state, stay transfixed to your radiating, mind controlling devices that are making humans ‘thick and sick’.

You can do this, but you can never say that you did ‘not know’ that you were exposing yourself, your pets, and your children to danger.

You can never say that you did not know that a huge group who worship Lucifer and like to harm children and other life, are in all top levels of authority and rule on your planet.

You cannot say that you did ‘not know’.

You cannot say that we did not try many times to warn you and you cannot say that the consequences of staying in a ‘not knowing’ state is the most dangerous of choices you could make.

You cannot say that we did not warn you, did not ask you to protect the children, did not advise you of the consequences of exposing yourself and your children to Satanic Ritual.

You cannot say that you ‘did not know’.

Claire, for those who know, who want to help, they must dig deep now, not for those who do not choose to know, but for themselves.

This time is for protecting yourselves and all innocent life.

The timelines are being switched, and it is impossible to close the door on 2024 when few step forward, owing to their ignorance about events on Planet Earth.

Many are awakening, however, they do not know the deeper dangers. Try to help peacefully protect the children, because the next few month’s Satanic rituals cause untold suffering, and the vipers will keep striking out to harm all life here, while the ‘not knowing’ group choose holiday planning and walks in the country over peacefully protecting the children from the predators who are all around them.

Unless more close this doorway and stand firm behind it, more chaos is coming, more is already here and, unfortunately, the dark have managed to bring in ‘manufactured hatred and ‘violence,’ through Thought Transference technology, which is in a grid system around the planet and above you all, in deep space.

Wind Turbines, Wi-Fi, Starlink, SkyNet, mobile masts, SMART METERS, SMART TECH in your washing machines, and tumble dryers, your LED light bulbs, your street lights, TV aerials, phone masts, and all technology that can transmit, is transmitting, and it is best to quietly disengage, where possible, from using the technology unless you have to.

Limit the usage, if it is necessary to use it, and in the meantime, the only way, is to:

Call on your HEART; your ‘Giant’ —your Infinite, All-Knowing Self —

to help you, by surrounding you with the Frequency of Infinite LOVE

and the Laws of Creation, from the Heart of Creation and infinitely beyond, and to protect all life, especially those targeted by the Destroyer Forces and coveted by those who serve Lucifer on the ground, of which there are too many now, in all systems and in position to cause maximum harm to the children, infants and newborns, elderly and homeless.

You are being advised that unless you call for help first thing upon awakening, midway through the day, and at night before sleep, you are also exposed to Satanic attack.

LOVE is here, as are the Laws of Creation.

— Use the help of your inner Giant, LOVE and the Laws of Creation (in that order) to ask for all your errors to be deleted.

— Ask for all magnified, malicious harm, all intentions to cause harm and all harm born out of ignorance and manipulation to be gathered up by LOVE and the Laws of Creation, and returned to all those who are maliciously harming, for their learning.

— Ask for all that has been lost to be found, healed, repaired and returned to all who can be assisted in the form of Purest Light Codes that cannot be harmed, damaged or infiltrated by any other thing.

— Ask for all CONTRACTS to be severed/ cancelled.


This is the final piece of guidance that is intrinsic to your own well being: Cancellation of any contracts which you may have unwittingly made on a day by day basis, or in the past.

The cancellation of contracts is intrinsic at this stage of exiting the matrix.

All contracts must be severed: You are duped into making contracts each day by a multitude of manipulations. Unless you know all there is to know about the Laws of Creation, it would be impossible to know when you may have made a contract in error.

It is against the Law of Creation to contract with any other being in ways that may hold a living being as prisoner; captive, or in any way which may prevent or alter their evolutionary journey.

Therefore, is it intrinsic for you all to call for all contracts made in error to be cancelled by your inner Giant, LOVE and the Laws of Creation.

Trust, that all will be done to help you, in perfect ways that best help all life in optimal ways.

Focus on asking for

“perfect outcomes that best help all life in optimal ways, in alignment with LOVE’s Plan and the Laws of Creation.”

This request provides the best chance of the ‘not knowing’ group waking up and protecting the children, who are immersed in the ‘trance-like-state-making’ devices — provided to them, courtesy of their ‘not knowing the dangers’ parents.

For the parents:

The Satanic Rituals of Halloween, Guy Fawkes, Burning Effigies of Humans on fires, Mayday celebrations, Solstice celebrations, Moon Parties, The Christmas Tree Ritual of welcoming Satan (Santa) into your home for four weeks each year, planning holidays and family trips, and focusing on the TV itinerary, above and beyond focusing on protecting your children from demonic forces and child abusers, and those who encourage you to celebrate Halloween, means that you are in the ‘not knowing’ group who, through your tacit agreement, have let more death and destruction onto the planet.

Yoga, pyramid shaping, sine wave making Pilates, and Reiki practices bring in Demonic Forces.

The pyramid, as seen on the dollar bill with the eye on top, is a Demonic symbol used by the banking industry. Symbols are also mind control devices.

The marketing and clothing industry all use the Star symbol on clothing.

The Star is the symbol of the False Light Matrix. The Star is the construct that is holding you all in a ‘not knowing’ state about your true origins and your inner power…your ability to love unconditionally and to call through your hearts for LOVE and the Laws of Creation to help all.

Those in power do not want you to know this. It is why you remain in your ‘not knowing’ state. The Star symbol emits frequencies: Extremely Low Frequencies, which lower your ability to sense danger amongst many other things.

Your phones do warn you that they are dangerous, but you do not know because you do not read the legal advice inside your phone, and so, you do not know that you have given your tacit agreement because the companies have told you that they are harmful when held close to the body.

The World Health Organisation, despite being fronted by a terrorist from Ethiopia who is wanted for genocide in his own country, has also stated that mobile waves are class two carcinogenic.

So, the problem is not that they have not told you, it is because you do not question nor seem to want to know.

Will you continue to radiate your children and pets? Time will tell. Will you read the legal warnings inside your mobile phones? Who knows?

More importantly, who cares? A past friend of Claire’s asked her this, when Claire pointed out the dangers facing humanity. Her friend is addicted to the technology and is covered from every angle, by every device that is wearable.

Has it made her friend thick and sick?

It has made her selfish.

Radiation sickness is like hypoxia. The deprivation of air and oxygen causes humans to act out of character.

Radiation makes humans thick, sick, and apathetic.

Apathy is a huge threat to humanity and to the children.

The most loving individual becomes defensive if it is suggested to them that they are selfish.

Is it selfish to continue using a phone that is a stage two carcinogen, according to the World Health Organisation?

Is it selfish to plan holidays and TV viewing over and above protecting the children?

When the children get to know what you did not know, will they be hurt that their welfare was not as important as your time spent texting, emailing, sending radiation and demonic frequencies around the World Wide Web?

The World Wide Web accurately describes the trap that most humans are enslaved in. They are already in The Beast System.

They live their lives on the Spider’s Web of the World.

They barely look up.

They do not know what they do not know, and they will never know, unless they start to care about what the Satanic Cult (who run things on your planet), are doing today, tomorrow, and next week.

Once October gets here: once the Witches get on their broom sticks; and the dark magicians of governance start pointing their wands at any truther who dares to question their motives or agenda; once those who do 'not know’ ignore the dark magician’s pyramid and diamond hand-shaping; once the ‘not knowing' ignore the stars on the flags behind the podium, the pyramid and Eye of Horus on the dollar bill, and once they ignore the symbolism that is all over their clothes, their food packaging, their wine labels and the town councils coats of arms, Christmas pyramids and snaking lights with Stars atop going up in all the big stores who's CEOs support, when they choose, once more, to ignore the obelisk in their village squares, the facial recognition cameras in towns, villages, train stations and supermarkets, once they ignore the fact that the Space Race War is also happening right in front of their faces, and on the ground; the noose is tightening, the children are dying in blood rituals while the violence escalates, who is there to Close The Door On 2024?

It will get worse for those who choose not to care, who won’t look up, not even to protect their own off-spring.

They are thick, sick, asleep… apathetic… and no amount of ‘shaking awake’ seems to be working, so far.

A mass awakening is still happening, but while this happens slowly, look at the crises [pl] happening….

How much suffering will they allow, before they peacefully ask for help?

How hard can asking for help be, you may be wondering?

Thick, sick, … apathetic.

You know: those who listen to the end of these messages …

You know, only too well, where this is heading if more won’t protect the children.

And so, for those who do care, who are trying hard to find new ways to help. Step back.

This ‘not knowing’ group must learn, and they have chosen the hardest way.

And what of the children, while we wait for more to step forward to ask their hearts and LOVE, and the Laws of Creation for help?

We say, for now, you can do no more and must not interfere.

We are playing the ‘waiting game’, and at this time of year, the plans for fear and the ‘stakes of harm’ are at their peak.

There is nothing more to do, except hand it all over to the most powerful force in the whole of Creation.

It will all come full circle eventually, and it was our hope that more may be shocked into asking for help, after the killing of those little girls, and all the children who are suffering around the world.

The children are exposed. The Child Abuse Agenda is pushing forward.

The point which shocks humans the most…is that those who harm children are also in those power, and those in power are pushing to legalise child abuse.

The FBI discovered that the pedophile child abusing rings amongst the Hollywood Stars, US leaders and CEO’s of Big Corp, used code words to describe the children they particularly liked to abuse. This is open source knowledge:

Ice cream



Political leaders and Hollywood stars often make reference to these food items with their friends on TV shows.

They all keep each other’s secrets.

So, as well as harvesting your DNA, which you may not know, but if you look online you will find many companies that trade your DNA. Your data is ‘gold' these days, and commands the highest price.

The reason?

Whoever altered your DNA during 2021 onwards, owns the patent on that technology. Essentially, if they have altered your DNA genetically through your tacit agreement, then, according to the US Supreme Court, they own you, no matter where you reside in the world.

Genetically altered DNA belongs to the patent holder.

And so, the reason why you all need to be severing all contracts is because many things are being placed in your bodies via food, drink, and your environment, which you may not know about, however, ‘not knowing’ is the same as ‘agreeing’. Either way, according to the Laws of Creation, you have given your permission to alter your True Original Blueprint: the purest aspect of yourself has been left wide open to the Destroyer Forces.

You have an energy field all around you, like Russian Doll layers of Knowledge and Wisdom and codes of Remembrance on how to protect yourself; how to get home to the heart of Creation when you leave your body.

You give all your power to this group, who know the Laws of Creation inside-out and back-to-front, and they simply manipulate you into breaking the Laws so that they can steal your life force energy.

If you allowed Mr ‘Safe and Effective’ to be placed in your blood stream, through tacit agreement or the mistaken belief that you were being a ‘hero’, then in doing so, you sold your soul, you sold all the Knowledge you needed to exit this place when you die.

You sold your soul to Lucifer and Destroyer Forces.

If humanity do not wake up out of their trance- like-state soon, many children will be harmed — and it is preventable.

Humans are powerful, much more powerful than Destroyer Forces. Humanity is in a weakened state because it refuses to look up and stare fear in the face.

The Destroyer Forces understand all your weaknesses. They have been monitoring you for millennia, and the last few years of apathy and selfishness, Yoga, Reiki, Pilates-producing-sine wave-energy, 5G users, SMART technology and Wi-Fi are the biggest culprits (please listen to Claire’s previous podcast to understand why these practices open up your Russian Doll layers of protection and expose all life further) … they have allowed Destroyer Forces to step in from higher levels of awareness, and break into this reality.

They should not be here. You all had a choice.

Who closed the door on 2020, 2021, 22, 23 and 24?

Not enough then, Not enough now.

Christmas, Halloween, Guy Fawkes of 2023 brought in more Destroyer Forces, and collected more life force from the children.

Humanity: You are in danger.

The children are exposed — now, more than before.



Guy Fawkes ….


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LOVE'S HEART PLAN Substack Podcast
You don't need anything or anyone outside of yourself to help you. Your heart has all the answers. My role is to help others gain confidence to try to get to know their heart and to start becoming self empowered and self reliant. It is easy.