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If you haven't listened yet, please do, and launch those custard pies...





“A veil has lifted, and those who have maliciously harmed all life are about to be revealed. Be ready to help the newly awakened. Many will be very confused.”

It’s a mass awakening: Happening right now, as I type this. Get ready to be of assistance to the many who are about to awaken from their deep, dark stupor.

“We ask you to be gentle with these souls — many are going through a ‘rapid awakening’.

It is happening this way because they refused to look up, and because they were being heavily attacked by radiation poison, vaccine poison, advanced technology, and all the energy and life force — stolen from humanity’s DNA — that has been used as fuel to feed the demonic realms and ET groups: those fragmented parts of your very selves, who have gone AWOL and on the attack, and all the malicious intention to cause harm by the Corporate Mafia Bosses on the ground, the politicians who also serve the Corporate Mafia Agenda 21— the plan so dark and ugly that it will make others shudder when history is told, and retold; about the darkest time spent on the planet called Earth.

You are all in a False Light Construct, a matrix of sorts, that has been woven around you all to stop you seeing the true nature of your being and the true nature of reality.

Your energy has been stolen. You are a transmitter and receiver of energy frequencies. You normally operate on Purest-Light-Frequency mode, but not down here in this dark, dense reality of choice, for many who serve ‘Lucifer’ and ‘Satan’.

This dark place is devoid of LOVE and devoid of the frequencies of LOVE, namely Hope, Trust, and Faith, Peace, Unity, Compassion, Tranquility, and Creativity.

Creativity is your true nature.

You live and thrive on creating. You love to create, to be free, to be in JOY, and there is no JOY or Hope in this dark place, unless others bring these frequencies in.

And that is why you are all here. Humanity are creative beings who naturally resonate at the frequencies of LOVE; Hope; Joy; Compassion; Unity; Creativity.

You brought these frequencies with you when you volunteered to come into this dark reality, and through bringing these frequencies in here, you have all helped to raise the vibration; the resonance of this dark place.

Sufficiently, now, to be able to help the souls that you came to help exit this dark place: the souls who had become trapped here after death, who could not escape this place, could not get home, could not get back to their natural state of being…a Creative, loving, joyful and free being.

You are not a Hu-man Being: your true state, your true description is, a Creative Being.

You need to create, to be free, and so, for many of you, you have felt the weight, the burden of this place, the restrictions of the dense energy that entangles souls further into its clutches; further into density.

And what is this density made from? Who created this dark place?

That is a long story, to be saved for another day. Today, we are asking you all to focus on this gift, this natural gift of Creativity, and how this gift can set you all free from this dark place.

We ask you to keep your focus on this, above all things, and especially, above what is happening in the media, because the media is a medium of dense, dark frequencies which are being used to harm you; to distract you and to keep you from focusing on your freedom from this place.

Imagine that you are in a building which is on fire and filling with smoke.

The alarm has been rung.

Others have been warned that the building is on fire.

No matter what is happening on any other floor of this building, it is irrelevant if it is not about getting out of the burning building to a place of safety.

Others in this dark place need your energy — your life force, your focus — and they need you to transmit your energy by giving them your focus and attention for long enough so that they can creep up behind you and steal your energy — your life force — provided by you, through giving them and their activities your focus.

As soon as you start to focus on these groups, you lose life force, you drop in resonance and you end up back on a burning floor —away from escape — away from safety.

The happenings of the last week should be enough for most freedom lovers and truth seekers to avoid giving others their life force.

Your life force is what you need to get out of this place. Think of it, like a tank of oxygen.

If you keep giving your oxygen tank to others, how do you get out of the building if there is no oxygen left in your tank?

Don’t give your energy, your power, your fuel, your ‘oxygen’ away, to dramas playing out on your TV and in the media.

You should all have learned by now, that it is all a game, a drama, a distraction, and while you focus on the drama, they steal your oxygen, your fuel and you get trapped in the building — away from the safety exits.

This time, right now?

This time, right now, needs you all to get the children, the homeless, vulnerable, elderly and pregnant mothers, and newborns, to a place of safety.

It has to be your priority now.

All you truth seekers, all channel owners, all social media groups…if you give your ‘fuel’ away to the dramas, which will keep on coming now, you will not be able to get the vulnerable and innocent to safety.

You are here because you were sent here to do this one job, the final job: to end the game and collapse the False Light Construct.

You have succeeded. A mass awakening has occurred. It will gather speed.

You are required to create, now.

Create a safe route out of here for the children and newborns, for the dead souls of trapped babies and those who got targeted with cancer, a man-made illness, caused by the chemical industry and big Pharma, predominantly.

These groups have ridden rough-shod over humanity and all life forms; down to the birds you see in your garden, the fish in the sea, and the dolphins that beach, thanks to the wind turbines, which are transmitters and receivers of dark energy, illness, dense frequencies which cause cancer and other serious, life-threatening illness.

Those who supply the drama are all in on the cancer and the illness scam, the “humans cause climate change” scam, and the mystery virus pandemic scam which is yet to emerge, or has it?

Is it Bird Flu? Ho, Ho, Ho, Santa Claus has come early, and look over there, there is Mary Poppins, bringing in her bedtime story of the Nanny State, soon to be installed all around you to stop you being free, courtesy of your corrupt town councillors who offered to play their part in this bedtime story.

Corruption, delusion, illusion is all around you.

Murder, mayhem, enslavement.

It is so obvious to many of you, and it is about to become obvious to many more…

Those who are in the burning building with you need your help. If they have heard the alarm bells and moved forwards to get away from danger, then, surely, you must see now, that you need to help them leave?

Show them the safe exit route. Show them their oxygen tank. Get them all to safety.

Those who are trying to keep you focused on the fire, as opposed to exiting the building, will keep distracting you at every level, every turn of the emergency staircase will see them trying to get access to your ‘fuel’.

If you don’t focus on them, they cannot steal your fuel, they cannot serve Lucifer and Satan, because it is Lucifer and Satan who feed off your energy, and then, dispenses ‘power’ and ‘wealth’, and children to harm, to those who serve these energies.

They have to get you to transmit, to deposit your ‘oxygen’, some of which is used as fuel and the rest is weaponised against you to trap you here, to stop you focusing on exiting this place.

And what is Lucifer? What is Satan?

The group who are harming really are very stupid.

In spite of their intelligence, they lack higher intelligence.

Higher intelligence knows that Lucifer and Satan are nothing more than a big, out of control ball of toxic, rampant energy that is chaotic in nature, out of control, raging, thirsting for fuel, and like a drug addict it cannot survive without its daily dose: its ‘shot' of life-force; stolen from you all.

If you starve Lucifer and Satan of its fuel, what do you think will happen?

It will die. It is your energy. If you ask for healing and repair, that ball of rampant, raging toxic energy gets weaker, the more who starve it of fuel, the more quickly it dies.

And when Lucifer energy dies, when Satanic frequencies die, there is nothing to give those who serve it either. There is no ‘veil' to mask their deception, because Lucifer energies made that out of your stolen life force.

There is no power and control of the Corporate Mafia Agenda 21 groups because they relied on serving Lucifer to gain power, and to keep their secrets well hidden — masked from view.

So, think about this burning building, your oxygen tank, your role here; to get the children and innocent to a place of safety, and stop giving your fuel, your attention to those who are desperate to keep you trapped here forever.

You hold the power. You hold the control.

Your destiny is not to remain here.

Your destiny is to come home.

Stop transmitting your energy to the dark groups.

Stop watching their dramas.

Stop fuelling their power and control.

Give your attention and focus to those you love — to helping the children, the elderly, vulnerable, and homeless.

They are the ones being harmed by Lucifer energies and Satanic worshippers.

The children are the target group of the Corporate Mafia, who sacrifice children to Lucifer and Satan.

These fools are stupid. Stupid, foolish, and cruel.

Babies are dying in the womb, owing to the pandemic vaccine which is causing them to have heart attacks in the womb.

Heart attacks  in  the womb.

Stupid, and cruel, and foolish enough to not realise that LOVE had many plans all along, and would never, ever leave the children down here in this dark place, no matter how many chose to give their power away to Lucifer, to the Corporate media, to the vaccine companies, to all those who are also stupid, foolish, and cruel.

And now, we advise those who have carried out these horrific malevolent acts, which have brought Planet Earth and its occupants to its knees, a grand mass awakening of Creative Beings is ensuing, as Claire writes this.

And as Claire writes this, all those who care, all those concerned voices in the wilderness who cried out for assistance who objected to the cruelty — the malevolent actions of all those who helped this bedtime story turn into a nightmare, all your harmful, malevolent actions, intentions, desires to be cruel, and to cruelly harm others through cancer, illness, poisoning the food, air, and water, the destruction of the planet and the killing of babies in the womb by heart attack through pandemic vaccinations…these actions carry severe reprisals.

Reprisals, through the Laws of Creation, and the Laws of Creation were created by all of you.

All who have harmed also played their part in compiling these Laws.You all agreed to be bound by them: to help all of you keep within the   boundaries of these laws; to keep all safe.

This has not been achieved. You went beyond. You refuse to stop harming.

An In Breath is completing.

An Out Breath is preparing …There is no more ‘time’ left to repair, because you have refused to stop harming.

The laws that you helped create are fully in motion, on Earth, thanks to one brave soul, Ann Devlin.

Many may remember her. She spoke out on David Icke during Lock Down because, as a Radiologist and Health Care professional, and having experienced working for Big Pharma in the USA, as a Radiologist, and being able to identify radiation symptoms, Ann knew that the covid 19 pandemic was radiation sickness and was all down to radiation poisoning.

Ann was treating patients privately at her home using advanced equipment which was able to test them for heavy metal poisoning and other forms of radiation sickness. All of her patients had alarming rates of heavy metal poisoning which were unheard of before 2020.

Ann paid a heavy price for speaking out, and died of cancer in December 2023.

Please consider Ann’s bravery, because without her help, none of this would be happening — the Laws of Creation were not functioning until Ann asked her heart to unlock any gifts which she may have to help humanity, and this was one of many gifts that Ann had volunteered to bring to Earth.

The Laws of Creation or Cosmic Laws were not operating fully on Earth, which is why the dark ones were able to avoid Karma from their dark, cruel actions.

Instead, many moons ago, they had found a way to deposit their harmful actions into your energy space, and this has created a second layer of radiation sickness inside each of your energy fields, which has been extremely difficult to shift.

When the Laws were anchored into this reality by Ann, messages were put out online through Claire, asking those who cared about what was happening on the planet to help; to call for LOVE and the Laws of Creation to guide them and to start shifting this harmful, toxic, karmic energy back to those who had created it, sent it, perpetrated it, and those who helped to ensure it had reached the energy fields of the innocent and those trying to protect the innocent.

This has been a process of continual clearing, and it is important to share it here, because it will help you all to understand why Claire keeps asking you to ask for everything to be done “according to LOVE and the Laws of Creation”…this keeps you all safe and it ensures that if you make any accidental errors, LOVE and the Laws of Creation will oversee the safety of all life.

You cannot allow your egos to get involved in helping others. It is high risk, at this stage, because ego-centred choices will come back as karma and come back rapidly as a force that will knock you off your feet, energetically, if you decide to let ego lead the way.

Your hearts are being called upon to focus, ‘with all your heart’ on helping those who are coming out of their stupor, to heal and repair.

Your compassion is needed, not your anger or frustration.

You are all entitled to be frustrated and angry…many have died and it was all avoidable, as Claire has said many times before, however, now that this mass awakening is happening, you are being asked to gently help the newly awakened and to help them see that anger will keep them trapped in the burning building.

Hatred, desire for revenge, violence, malice will also keep them trapped in the burning building.

Commenting about others in hateful ways keeps you trapped here.

Help this group see that the manipulation is so great, it is so easy to stir up division, anger, violence when, in fact, the smartest way to approach this group is to give them nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

Completely disengage from their activities, their dramas, their fear-mongering.

It is all a desperate attempt to hold you here.

You are transmitting and receiving energy all day, every day: through your computer; your apps; your TV; your SMART technology and your SMART meters; your iPhones; your mobile masts; your wind turbines…

In truth, these are all devices used by the Corporate Mafia and Cult members to harvest your life force and to transmit illness, disease, fear, violence, anxiety and chronic fatigue to you via frequencies.

You have been in a secret War On All Life, and now, the name of the game is to fully realise this and to help the others to not get caught in the final trap laid down by this cult — their desperate attempts at stealing your life force; your emotional energy; your physical energy; your mental anguish.

Give them none of those things and protect the others who are awakening — educate them on how to avoid a Soul Harvest.

You have to get them to safety by helping them to leave the matrix and that means, leaving none of their energy here, not one ounce of life force must be left.

LOVE and the Laws of Creation are working with each Creative Being through their Infinite Self to ‘redeem’ themselves, meaning: setting themselves free from this False Light reality.

At this late stage, it would cause untold karma to be doing anything other than trying to stay in balance, and unfazed by the desperate attempts by the dark for life force.

What is needed is your focus on giving help and loving guidance to those who are only just waking up to what has been done to them…

Creative Being, set yourself free. Set the children free and watch as the world wakes up around you, and all are free.”

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LOVE'S HEART PLAN Substack Podcast
You don't need anything or anyone outside of yourself to help you. Your heart has all the answers. My role is to help others gain confidence to try to get to know their heart and to start becoming self empowered and self reliant. It is easy.